thinking of my B-DAY!!!!!

Jun 08, 2005 22:38 thinks about my b-day...(july 29th)the big 13!! lol ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

anonymous June 9 2005, 03:12:09 UTC
Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny Danny ( ... )


sunn_kissed_3 June 9 2005, 03:20:24 UTC
wow i LOVE it!! heheh
yea i will give u money and u too can go far far away and i will come over with my slave and bone him there and we will go and look at all the zoos and beautiful animals..and i will buy u hawks and eagles for u house warming gift!! heh adn let them fly around the house and on u and danny when u guys are boneing!!! lol
and yes we all will be bestest friends!!

dream of money,
erin trump $$


anonymous June 9 2005, 14:11:41 UTC
hey dooooood!!!! you know "give peace a chance" is a song by the beatles .. it kind of goes like this ..

everybody's talkin about bagism, shagism, dragism, madism, ragism, tagism, this-ism, that-ism..
all we are saying is GIVE PEACE A CHANCE

so Danny signed a quote from The Beatles song on everyone's yearbook? you think he knows that it's a song? weird .. yet another question to ask him!!! yipppay!!!

always giving peace a chance, ---in memory of The Beatles
Mrs. Mandy Cox


sunn_kissed_3 June 9 2005, 17:16:37 UTC
in o was goin to put that lik wehn i was doin it u think i should i think give peace a cgance sounds better..but idk
well we r goin to hav FUN at the mall tryin to find danny and just runing
fun fun fun o well i might change it


anonymous June 10 2005, 00:25:55 UTC
man I have the RADDEST icon EVER .. it is like ty-dye in the back with a green peace sign and it says "all we are sayin is give peace a chance" I'm so cool .. plus my background in dark green with lime green and TURQUIOSED peace signs .. everyone should IM me and tell me how cool it is .. and how weird I am .. mucho amor .. ha I looooove you xoxoxox



sunn_kissed_3 June 10 2005, 03:45:51 UTC
lol yea long
u need to send me a link to it cuz i cant get the profile..i will soo lik link my LJ to danny when i im him so he can read all about my life an dhow we lover
that would be soo cool...
and put give mandy a chance DANNY!! lol


anonymous June 11 2005, 02:48:51 UTC
alright dood so well today Christina and I went to the mall with Alex Red. and he was guna show us Danny's house and we had to jump a fence and Christina is retarded and she was "afraid of heights" so she couldn't jump and said she would meet us around so Alex and I walked to the post office and Alex was guna go to Danny's to see if he was home but I didn't wanna leave Christina so I went back like in the middle of Godlette and I like died but so I was over there and Alex was at Danny's and then I didn't find her so I was walking around and so then Alex came over to see me cuz I was in the LAke Park parking lot and he was like yah I was talking to Danny's dad and he gave me his number to call him but some lady picked up so I was like oh and then he said he was in Danny's house and was playing with Danny's pitbull, Bullet. and I was like awww and then I got pissed cuz I relized I missed out on all this so then I ran to find Christina so I could KILL her and so I tackled her and strangled her (no lie) but she was all happy and screaming ( ... )


sunn_kissed_3 June 12 2005, 02:57:14 UTC
lol nice day!! ah i had soo much fun in tampa read my entrey!! lol the first one!! its realy long srry!! hehe
we u didnt takl to danny did u and who was that girl??
madison!! aha if so that sucks!! lol
well my new last name is GORDON!! lol
so its MECD??? lol i dont no!! lol

lovin him,
Erin Gordon <3


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