As you know, my grandma passed away on Friday, October 6th, 2006. I really appreciate all your thoughts and messages to me. I'm doing well. I really miss her, but I do know she's in a way better place and she is no longer in pain.
Here's a link to the text of her obituary. The picture isn't on there, so here's some pictures of her from my
photo album. She was a wonderful, strong, funny, beautiful, loving person.
teen jean
grandma jean in her teens, about the time she met grandpa harry
grandpa harry and grandma jean
she's laughing. he was a nut. he probably said something funny.
grandma is a bit of a nut herself
grandma jean at easter
my mom always gets my grandma easter lilies with 7 blooms. my grandma has 7 kids.
grandma jean at my 10th birthday
mothers and daughters
i think this picture is hilarious! it looks like my grandma is just chewing my mom's ear off about something and i think it's so funny. my mom looks so miserable. it's almost like history repeating itself!!!
glamorous grandma
Grandma's glamour shot. She was still hot at age 70.
Thanks again for all of your messages, thoughts and prayers. They really helped me get through. ♥