My ability to watch all five seasons of the show within like, 4 days, including uni work, is amazing. AND SUPER PATHETIC. A true sign of my dedication to a tv show.
Now I'm kind of kicking myself cause nothing compares. I sound like an emmoooo.
But, it's been a while since a show I've loved ended, especially when it started so quickly.
It's so funny, cause I was commented back to all you guys on the last post, about characters etc. and like...perceptions change so much haha. Everyone seemed to like Cook when I was talking to them, and at first I just...did not like him at all. And like, I just finished season 4, and shed a fucking emo tear cause I'll miss him so much. WHAT A CLICHE. Love it.
Still gutted about Chris, don't even go there. And Freddie's death was like, brutal, wtf. Uncalled for Skins. So I'm assuming season 6 will have a death, motherfuckers. I hope it's a girl, I never like the girls haha.
Bah I'm so annoyed it took me so long to get into this show. I mean, I liked it from the start but I just didn't try very hard to get the other eps. Whatevvverrr.
And it's pretty nice to know how many of you liked Skins, I never knew!
man I wanna go all crazy and relive moments, but I feel kind of weird haha. I feel like I'm so behind everyone else, and they're like, over it by now haha. Man!
OH and just for the record, I totally love Naomi and Cook in a totally platonic way. They're adorable.
I'll be marathoning The OC next, if my friend ever remembers to bring the DVDs to uni haha.
I also have a bunch of movies sitting on my computer but I WANT SKINSSSSS.
Speaking of movies, anyone want to recommend me some to get me out of my funk?
fadedglow recommended some coming of age movies the other day which I'm going to check out, but if you guys have any recs? Of any genre?
Also, just as like. A general note to myself...go to the fucking gym.