It's driving me bonkers.
I can't vid anymore *crieeeeees* *rolls on the floor* *bawls*
The last good video I posted was
Beautiful Chaos and I uploaded that a month ago!
Well technically speaking the last two videos where
Ten/Master - Hell's Round The Corner and
#Always Meant To Die (10/11) but both videos are rubbish, lame and...just not good. I miss the old times
where I did videos like
Something Worth Living For the artistic, meaningful stuff. My style's changed.
Which is good! I like development just...I lost something. The problem is my love for
65daysofstatic and
the vidder
TYLERR002. I adore this music and his videos and you can see that it's rubbed off on me.
But this is a serious problem because since I discovered him and 65dos I can't concentrate on my former
style anymore and everything I start turns out to be rubbish. Seriously I've started like 6 videos in the past
month but it gets worse everytime =(
Well atm I'm working on my
#I tremble Ten/Donna AU where he comes back to her in TEOT and they are
reunited but I don't know whether I'm boring people with my countless 10/Donna videos. I miss my old stuff.
I miss vidding. It's like I've unlearned something vital to my life. It's like I've lost a dear friend or something.
Gimme my vidding muse back now, vidding god! *pouts*
Any of you people got any ideas? Suggestions? Storylines? Songs? (that's important!) Character wishes?
I could use a little help *cries*