After thinking about it for almost 2 months I finally bought another 15 userpics :D
My default pic, by me. Still love it <3 Cathy Cath Catherine^^
Happy snog tiem á la Ten/Donna. ME GUSTA. Also mine =)
Smiling Catherine, she looks so happy and a bit like me :D Mine =)
Me likey this icon. Mine. Totally looks like he's really asking :D
One of my Catdavs icons. I'm in love with this photoshoot. Mine
I'm in love with this icon. Looks like they're totally in love & adoring each other. Mine =)
Smiling Ten. Very pretty boy with glasses. Such a nice smile. Mine.
Planet of the Ood icon. I think it looks rather cute. So "not" a couple. Mine
Ten approves! Using this icon whenever I like something =)
Pretty Donna in the snow. I love the way she looks there. Using it when I'm writing sth more serious.
Happy Ten in the snow! I love it. He looks so happy and boyish <3 mine!
Another lovely catdavs icon by
dana_cz. They look adorable together.
Using this when I'm happy and want to show my love for Ten =) By
mysteryof My current youtube icon. It looks so pretty and artistic and fits my videos & channel. by
00mina I don't know where I got this from but I like it because of all my video editing and so on =)
Ten&Donna in the cave. by me. I like how close they're sitting to each other =)
Ten&Donna holding hands in POTO by me. Using it for shippy-dippy moments.
Pretty Donna and her gorgeous hair by me. Using it when I'm in an artistic mood.
Ten running away in PIC by me. Same, just for pretty asthetic reasons =)
Ten lolling away in FOP by me. Using it when I think a comment is funny =)
Ten me gusta by me. Using it when I like something (shippy stuff :D)
Ten going oh noz! by me. Using it when I'm shocked.
Ten and Donna hugging in PS by me. It SO looks like they're kissing xD Shippy ship ship!
Catdavs smiling at each other in DWconfidential by me. Cos they look so happy for happy moments =)
Catherine with pretty hair during a DWC interview by me. Using it when thinking about sth =)
Superpretty David by
racheldinozzo. I just love the 3 o`clock shadow and everything =)
Gorgeous Donna by
distantdaylight. Used it as YT icon a while ago. Still love it. So pretty.
Ten&Donna by
lorien_79. Also used it as YT icon. I just love the colours & everything.
Pretty Ten in EOTP1 by
dana_cz He looks so very pretty and young there. Also one of my fav episodes.
Ten&Donna wearing Converse shoes by
dana_cz. I love these shoes+ it looks like they're hugging <3
Ahhh so many pretty icons. I love them all <33333 Plus: Almost done with the Doctor's Daughter picspam. Sorry it's taking me so
long this time!