Title: Exceptionless Series: X/Gohou Drug crossover Characters: Kakyou, Kakei Genre: Gen Word count: 641 Rating: G Summary: Kakyou's relatives never came to see him without a question, and sometimes not even then.
Thanks for commenting! Yes, those two do have a few similarities...though I'm sure Kakyou would be shocked at how evil scary mischievous Kakei can be. I can think of one other fanfic out there which capitalises on the things they have in common. ^^ I wonder if there are more.
I really liked that. It had a fitting melancholy to it, and I can really imagine it happening to the characters. It's also an interesting crossover idea in the first place.
By the way, I think you're missing a set of quotation marks in the third to last line, after "Kakei-kun."
Thank you. ♥ I'm really glad you liked it. I love crossovers, so it was fun to find a way of making X/GD work. And thanks for pointing out the missing quotations. I even noticed a few other minor errors when I was correcting that one. ^^;
Thanks! ♥ I've only written a little by way of GD fics, but I do adore the series, and yes, Kakyou fanfics are rather thin on the ground in general. I s'pose that's the problem with X having such a large cast. (It's fun for me, though, because I can go and write about the less major characters and have a reasonably clear playing field.)
Comments 6
I like the ending.
By the way, I think you're missing a set of quotation marks in the third to last line, after "Kakei-kun."
That is to say, I love the fact that I found this at like, quarter past midnight as'dlkfl;sdfjkl.
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