Title: Distant Home
Seres: Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle
Genre: Gen/humour
Word count: 914
Rating: G
Summary: Subaru and Fuuma have a chat, and Kamui has a bad dream.
The twins would be moving on soon, Fuuma was sure. Kamui had made it clear that he had no interest in this world other than for his brother's protection - Fuuma doubted that just a little; Kamui had hung around while the negotiations took place - and with Seishirou following them, it was no surprise that the twins' actions would be tinged with urgency.
So, given that they would be leaving, Fuuma decided to pay them a visit.
Seishirou had told him that the two were always together, but Fuuma's introduction to Kamui had been without Subaru, and somehow it seemed odd to see Kamui, who had stayed aloof and solitary from everyone even as he led the Government Building, with another person so close by him, so thoroughly accepted.
It would be worth the effort to find them: Kamui would be grumpy, pacing up and down impatiently while something else delayed them. Perhaps by Subaru wanting to see his unwitting residence properly, or to talk to the inhabitants. Kamui would practically snarl at Fuuma when he intruded, and it would all be very amusing.
It was a surprise when he tracked them down only to find that Kamui was asleep.
"Shhh," said Subaru, softly. "Don't wake him. I don't think Kamui's been taking care of himself properly while he's been in this world."
Kamui was lying curled up on the floor with his head on Subaru's lap, wrapped up in his own cape and covered partially by Subaru's as well, where his brother had evidently tried to tuck him in. Subaru stroked Kamui's hair every few seconds, and Kamui wore a more peaceful expression than Fuuma had ever expected possible of him.
Fuuma had to grin at the sight. "Don't tell me: while you've been sleeping, Kamui's had insomnia?"
Quietly, Subaru laughed. "I hope not. But I can tell he's been working too hard."
"I expected one of his usual welcomes, but instead he almost looks sweet."
"He's a very sweet person really," Subaru told him.
"Seishirou-niisan said that you were the nice twin, not Kamui."
"Kamui is nice," Subaru insisted, and then blushed. "Seishirou-san said that? A-anyway, Kamui and I will be leaving soon."
"But Niisan will catch up eventually. You know that, don't you?"
Subaru looked away. "Yes."
"When he does, make sure to let him know what an idiot he's been. That guy might as well be five years old for all that he understands about people."
"I...I think that Kamui's rather set on being the one to deal with the matter."
Fuuma shrugged. "It's your business, not Kamui's. Maybe Niisan would understand better if you were the one to talk to him, Subaru-san."
"Perhaps," Subaru said doubtfully, and paused. "Thank you for talking to me. I'll tell Kamui you came to see him."
"Tell him I think he looks adorable when he's asleep." Fuuma said, picturing Kamui's scowl in advance.
"I will," Subaru said, eyes twinkling and with a smile.
Kamui found himself in the corridors of the large mansion he had lived in with his family in the not-so-long-ago that felt so far away now. His cape made a swishing sound across the floorboards as he walked.
There was a creak behind him.
"Kamui," said his mother's voice, "you're back!" And she glomped him; or perhaps she glomped him first and then spoke; it was difficult to tell that with a death grip hug secured around his neck.
There were mere seconds left before the true onslaught. Kamui prepared himself as best he could.
"What took you so long!?" Hokuto demanded shrilly, green eyes flashing.
Sometimes it was unnerving that Subaru took after their mother so closely in appearances. As well as that, it was unfair. He and Subaru were the twins in the family: they should be the ones to look alike.
Unfortunately perceptive, Hokuto had long ago picked up on this, like a shark scenting blood, and given a laugh that shook the rafters. 'Are you jealous of your beautiful mother and big brother, Kamui? I understand! But don't you worry: it's okay to take after your father! He was gorgeous too.' And then she had given a description of exactly how stunningly sexy their father had apparently been, which didn't really make Kamui feel any better, but at least Subaru had laughed, the traitor.
It didn't change the fact that if he didn't concentrate closely, it was almost as if there was a furious, high-heels wearing, bracelet-clinking Subaru in a ball gown glowering at him.
"Are you all right? You didn't contact me at all! I was worried. Look at me when I'm talking to you, Kamui!"
"I, uh, it's nice to be home. I'm fine. Though I don't know how I got back here," Kamui said, retreating a number of steps back.
"Thank goodness." Some of the worry dissipated from Hokuto's face - but not all.
Kamui's head felt terribly muzzy. He was forgetting something, he was sure of it, but his thoughts seemed as clear as mud, jumping about all over the place. That was it, he realised: he was sleepy, deadly tired.
But his mother was as bright-eyed and focused as ever.
Hokuto advanced on him, the click click click of her shoes like a death knell. "Where's Subaru?" she said sweetly.
How could he say that he'd left him at the bottom of a reservoir?