Title: Angel's Disguise
Genre: AU, angst, romance
Pairing: Sehun/Luhan
Rating: PG
Summary: Feel the warmth of my skin, an innocent smile an angel’s disguise, never let show sorrow.
A/N: This is based off of the song by J.ae.
Heavenly kiss, just a taste of your scent
Soothes my soul
The sunlight filtered in through sheer, white curtains that draped across the elongated windows lining the bedroom wall. Rays of light danced across the wooden floor in thin strips, heralding the morning.
Behind lidded eyes, Sehun could already feel the warmth enveloping him, and, though he savored the darkness of night, there was something about the sweet, dewy essence of day that he relished.
He felt cold droplets splashing onto his neck, trickling down into the dip between his collarbones, leaving streaky marks across his skin. But he didn't want to open his eyes yet.
Luhan's breath was shaky, and Sehun almost tasted warm lips before he felt them, trembling and moist, against his own. The sensation was foreign yet completely familiar, and it was brief, too brief. But, at the same time, it was just enough to capture the flavor of that pliant mouth before it was over.
Fly, carry me up and away
Far, far away
For a second, Sehun felt lightheaded, above himself, liberated and beyond all earthly concerns. He rode out the taste left on the tip of his tongue, chasing it to the thinnest cracks in his lips. He wanted to briefly halt time and never wake up. He wanted to stay just like this, with Luhan's scent all around him, the taste lingering forever.
Soon, he gave into his body's natural urge to see, eyelids fluttering softly, hoping that Luhan wouldn't notice.
Hoping that he would stay.
Oh, look in my eyes
Suddenly clear the beauty of love
Sehun drank in the first sight that his eyes took in. It was that of Luhan, mouth quivering, eyes filled to the brim with tears that liquified his irises, sparkling like minerals sitting motionless at the bottom of a shallow stream.
He had never felt as much love for Luhan as he did right then.
Love. Love. Love.
Everything seemed so simple all of a sudden, so he didn't bother to look around the room or scrutinize Luhan's pained expression. All he could see was how sweet Luhan looked, eyes rimmed red, face shiny with tears, and he never stopped to think about what it all meant.
It was so easy just to reach up with one hand towards the figure swaying nervously beside the bed and brush away a few salty streaks with careful fingers.
Feel the warmth of my skin
An innocent smile an angel’s disguise, never let show sorrow
The hand lingered there for a while, reluctant to part from the soft skin underneath, until Luhan carefully wrapped agitated fingers around Sehun's hand and gently tugged it away.
Sehun shot him a quizzical look and watched as a conflicted expression passed momentarily over Luhan's face. "Good morning," he tried, the corners of his mouth edging upward into a smile.
Luhan immediately let go of his hand, letting it fall to the bed with a dull thud.
There was a time when I’d dare not dream
That you would be on your way
Nothing made sense until he sat up slowly and looked around the room.
Luhan was still standing next to the bed, completely immobile, with his head hanging down. Sehun could see the crystalline drops falling from beneath eyelashes that fanned outwards.
Sunlight was still shimmering along the floor. It was creating beautiful patterns on shattered glass that was strewn around the rose-tinted wood. The tiny prisms beamed multicolored luminescence onto the cream colored walls, and Sehun was entirely in awe.
"Did you do this," he whispered, licking his lower lip.
No response came, and Luhan merely stood there shaking as if he were cold, but Sehun knew that it was impossible for him to be cold. Not when his lips were so warm, he thought.
It was frustrating, watching him for what seemed to be hours, still and unresponsive. Sehun tried multiple times to touch him, to comfort him, but he knew that it wouldn't make a difference. Their fate had been set with the last of his mistakes.
Time now has come and we near the end
Part ways though we must
So soon?
One simple request I ask
One little wish
He closed his fingers around Luhan's arm, pulling the boy down on top of him.
Sehun leaned over, brushing soft strands of hair away from Luhan's ear, and whispered soft pleas into the hollow.
Lay down with me now, lend me your ear
I’ll sing you a song of love so perfect and cruel
Lullaby for an imperfect fool
Never let go sorrow