Okay, so it seems into posts are going around and since I've never posted anything but fic to this journal, I figured I'd go ahead and say hello.
My name is Dawn, and my mother tells me she picked it because the sun was just coming up as she held me in her arms for the first time. Awww. She gave me Annette as my middle name after Annette Funicello, who she'd seen on the Mickey Mouse Club and thought was cute. Okay, it was the 60s--I'll cut her some slack. :)
I've got a husband and two teenagers, and I'm currently in a second career as a magazine editor. My first career, BC (before children), was as a microbiologist for a large pharmaceutical company. So I know a lot about bacteria and wash my hands frequently.
I got into this crazy fanfiction/fandom thing when I fell head over heels for The X-Files. Since then I've dabbled in Starsky and Hutch, Stargate SG-1, and The Magnificent Seven. And believe it or not, I owe my current position as editor to my fanfiction addiction.
But that's another story.
These days I seem to have lots of teenagers around the house, but when I get a moment to myself I like to ring handbells at church and write. I've got an original novel I'm supposed to be hammering out but I don't spend nearly enough time on it since Supernatural has eaten my brain.
But enough about me. Tell me a little about you, if you're so inclined...