Could it be? The THIRD post of 2009? This is epic, my friends. What a busy year. Regardless, I have some icons that have been sitting around, and a wallpaper I made yesterday!
[3] Pirates of the Caribbean
[1] The Prestige
[1] The Rum Diary
[1] Jane Eyre (text)
[3] Hugh Jackman
[2] Stock
[1] Sherlock Holmes wallpaper
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Comments 11
Random OT question but I've always wondered this- in your tags, what exactly does a l l mean??? Everytime I see it I go "all what??????" lol sorry just curious.
Haha, once upon a time I realised that when you're browsing through tags, you can't just click "Recent" to get back to seeing all of your posts. I started adding the tag "a l l" to my posts; the space between the letters guaranteed that it would always be at the top of the tag list. I could just click that to see all my posts again. Then I discovered that there's always a link to your journal in the navigation bar. Now, looking at my total number of posts and the total number of posts tagged "a l l", it looks like I missed a bunch. I've been meaning to get rid of it, and I think I will.
That was a long-winded explanation for your simple question. :)
And I love the PotC work, of course.
Aw, I always love your stock work! =D
Wonderful wallpaper!
Thanks muchly!
I watched Australia a few nights ago.
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