Title: Holiday Short - International Coffee Day
Fandom: Law & Order: SVU
Pairing: Alex/Olivia
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: These characters do not belong to me. No infringement intended and no profit will be made from their use.
Spoilers: Slight spoiler for the Season 4 Chameleon
Author’s Note: Surprise - I wrote a new short! As I’ve said before, this
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Comments 39
Always enjoy a new holiday short from you.
I didn't see the season premiere but it sounds like it was nothing to write on lj home on lj about. Pity. Is Alex at least in this season? I have no idea what's going on nowadays.
Wasn't it National Drink a Beer Day just recently? I'd rather the ladies wound down over a couple of good brews (Sam Octoberfest is pretty good) or maybe something mixed with Framboise (Fin and/or Munch will make comments on its perceived prissiness, mayhaps, before they exit, if they're even there at all) or they could drink one or the other or one of each and then mix later themselves. Just sayin'.
The season premiere was not the worst ever, but it's just not the same show that I used to love. And now they've screwed up Cragen's character too. :-( No idea if Alex will be around this year. Not really sure it would even help if they only give her two minutes on screen anyway.
Guess the old A/O will have to live on through fan fic!
Ehn, well. That's something, I guess? Though, even a few minutes a day would be okay-- at least at first. I wish she could score a meaningful gig somewhere else and take Mariska with her.
It's looking like! But, I guess it was always true. In the meantime, let us gaze upon my icon. Good times.
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