Title: Zanshin
Circle: Omega Plus
Artist: Mako
Fandom: Naruto
Pairing: Sasuke/Naruto
Warnings: None
Pages: 16
Type: doujinshi - raw
My Note: Yus! I'm not completely sure about anything here because it's a circle I don't know much about and I just don't understand it. :( If someone could help me out with that, that'd be fantastic. ^_____^ And I hope everyone enjoys. ^^ There is also a pr0nny Medetaya doujinshi I've scanned and have yet to post. ^^ That one will take a few days depending on work. ;D The download, as usual, is at the end of the post.
Much thanks to
loika and
gwyneda for the help with the title and artist name. ^^ *hugs*
And the download is
{ HERE }.