(no subject)

Jan 04, 2012 18:15

So, yesterday I went to the airport at 4 o'clock for my 6:05 flight to Miami. They boarded right on time! Everything was so much better than the day before!

Until it wasn't and we had a four hour delay.

Issue #1
- Apparently there is a pair of sisters whose luggage is onboard but they are not. The captain announces that they're going to have to pop open the cargo hold to find their luggage to remove it. But then the sisters arrive! YAY WE'LL LEAVE NOW.


Issue #2
Apparently when someone was doing service on our plane, they forgot to/forgot to log an engine test. The captain apologetically told us to hang tight.

He then comes on the horn and tells us that TPTB are trying to decide if it'll be more time efficient to take the plane out, run the test (that is a half hour of the engines running, or something) or to have us all get off and transfer our luggage to another plane. It's decided that we'll switch planes.

Issue #3
It is literally after 9 and we're all sitting on the our second plane of the day. The captain first tells us that they're just finishing fueling up the plane, we'll be ready to go in three to five minutes. A few minutes later, they start making announcements to the flight attendants, asking them to prepare for take off... and then the captain comes back on and says "You're not going to believe this, but something's wrong with the fuel monitor." OR SOMETHING. IDK IF FUEL MONITOR IS A THING. The thing that was messed up was the thing that tells everyone if there's fuel in tank #3, and they didn't know if it was broken or not turned on or what.

We finally left around 10:30.

The worst part of it is that, again, my downfall is not being able to contact people, and my American phone was dying and my charger was in my suitcase. (First and last time I am ever doing that.) I tried using payphones, who pretty much only ate my money. Finally I realized that my French phone would send texts, they'd just cost a pretty penny, but I felt better.

Somehow, wonder of wonders, my suitcase made it to France WITH MY PLANE, and came out relatively quickly! Getting to my place was time consuming but not difficult. I got to take a little nap! My teacher considerately told me I could skip her 8:30 class!

Also, the kindle was the best thing ever. I could skip from one book to another! I COULD READ FIC! It's amazing.

Anyway, so now I'm back and my entire body aches but ohhh, a real bed! A shower! <3
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