
Feb 11, 2011 12:20

Feeling good today; I like the idea that my morning sickness is probably going to start heading for the hills around now. I'm feeling less tired while I'm awake lately, but I keep sleeping in super late; that could be because it's hard for me to fall asleep until about 2 or 3 in the morning ( Read more... )

caring is fucking sharing, life goes on, there should be pregnancy-safe coffee, spammin' the flist, tired am i, ellie iflu, crazy sun, babies, poor sun, yes i'm a crazy bitch, adult is a matter of opinion, serious post is serious, insanity is my anti-drug, gah health crap, gah i'm mental, facepalm~children, facepalm~family

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Comments 2

nasty_show February 11 2011, 20:37:03 UTC
I had no idea you are pregnant! I'm so behind with LJ :/ Congratulations! ♥


sunsingergirl February 11 2011, 20:44:52 UTC
♥ I haven't really been updating my personal LJ too much lately; so much RP stuff going on, and I've been keeping things updated on Plurk a lot, so. XD No worries!

And thanks! <333


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