Okay, I feel like writing something totally random, off the top of my head, no editing, just what's on my mind at this very moment..........
Here goes:
I feel like.... you need something. You give everyone else what they need. You are running on empty. How can you keep it up? Are you tired? Do your arms hurt from holding everyone up, holding them together. I can see why people like you. It's not just because you're good to look at. I can see you. You're sweet. You're giving. You are a support. You are a rock. You are a sounding board. You give your all. You give until you burn out and have to turn off the ringer, and hide in your house. But even when you're trying to hide, you know it will find you, if not soon then eventually. A few moments that's all you get. And then you have to put it all on the line again. I want to tell you that i don't mind. I don't mind if you string me along. I don't mind if you dan't call right away. I don't want to drain you. I ant to fill you up, like you fill me every time I'm near you. You exude energy. It fuels me, it sparks my strength. It inspires me. I just want to return the favor. I want to give you anything you need. I want to hold you up. I want to hold you together. I want to be there. I'll give you anything you need. And if it seems like I'm going out of my way, know that it's impossible for me to. I bend but I'm happy to. I won't break. I know my limits and with you my limits are higher than they've ever been. I could lift a thousand pounds. I could walk around the world and back. I want to reciprocate. I want you to feed you the life you've given me.
We fuck up. We freak out. These are alarm calls.
Listen to them!
We all cheat. Shit happens. Shit needs to happen We're human. We're built to cause shit. If we don't loosen up we'll all implode. We'll spontaneously combust.
Loosen Up!
We'll turn inside out. Some of us are well on our way. But we can reverse it. Everything's fixable. We can always turn around and begin again.
Slow Down!
Think about it. Think about it before you start, or before you continue. Don't do it because you feel pressure from anyone. Don't do it because you've been taught. Follow your instincts. Are you really being who you're know you're supposed to be?
I feel strong. I know a lot of super womyn. I feel like one of them right now.