I am so sick of saying "Joad" and "Migration" and "California"

Mar 14, 2005 21:18

I just finished my 5 and half page long research paper about the Dust Bowl. It only took me 2 days. RECORD TIME. I'm not even stressed out about it. I feel like a new person. Hooraaah. Now to pay my ridiculously large library late fee. Oops.

This weekend took the cake for "worst ever." I was home with bronchitis like mad and a sinus infection. On Friday, I watched Anchorman & Legally Blonde 2: Red White, and Blonde and coughed up lots of delightful surprises. On Saturday, I vowed to start my english paper, but instead watched a wedding cake competition, Paula Deen's wedding, and Wedding Foods Unwrapped on the Food Network. I don't know why I watched wedding themed shows on the food network for three hours. But for 2 hours of it, I was having a nose-blowing related bloody-nose. Good times were had by all involved. Meaning me and the food network.

What I did in the wee hours of the morning was habbohotel.com. It's like the palace except funnier, cause the people are even stupider. I made myself a shaddy black guy avatar, then came up to fellow hotelers, and asked them if they wanted to buy drugs. Then, when that got old, I went into the "GOTH" room wearing bright yellow and blonde pigtails and chose the "DANCE" option while talking about how great life is. One girl, whose name was ironically Suicide Doll said "I'm going 2 kill mahself 2nite guyz." The gawthies talked her out of it, though. No need to worry.

School hasn't been sucking as bad as it usually does. It's really weird.
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