I'm thinking of starting a sort of dream journal here on my lj, and if I do wind up doing that this is where it starts. I posted this originally for
latest entry but feel like reposting it here. Maybe it'll provide some insights.
It begins with me back in high school, maybe a freshman or sohpomore, walking down D hall at Central. My outfit could be considered a Neo ripoff exept for the fact that I'e been having this dream years before the Matrix came out. There are no students or anybody else around, and everything is rusted and covered in a fine layer of this strange yellowed dust. I wonder the halls for a while, walk into a classroom and everywhere it's the same, more yellow dust and rusted metal. The windows in the classrooms have this bright golden sunlight pouring in them in streams, like the sun will do at 4:00pm at the right time of year.
I contenue walking throught the dissaray, it looks as if everybody had simply vanished in the middle of a school day, and peoples papers are rotting on thier desks. I finall come to the intersection of D hall and A hall, which has a wall of floor to ceiling windows with glass doors in them. Looking out the window, I see a broiling wall of golden dust, with occasional sunbeams shining through. It's like a contenuous dust storm moving from east to west, never ceasing. I can only see about six inches into it.
I stand there for what feels like a day or two, although the light never changes, and then the building begins to collapse. At this time my vision shifts from first person to third person. The ceiling above me splits and begins to crumble to the sides, and suddenly a massive column of rock shoots upwards out of the floor, taking me with it. I watch from a height of a hundred feet or so as the school is devoured by the dust, then look around. Horizon to horizon, all I see is a contenuous torrent of dust, about 30 feet high and all moving rapidly from east to west. I occasionally see a place where the dust streams are hitting a building and splashing up into the air off of te roof or something, then drifting back down to contenue the western journey.
At this point time accelates, and I see the sun arcing through the sky faster and faster untill there is no longer a night and day, just a sort of blue-grey sky with a burning white line of the suns path. I think a few thousand years pass with me standing on the rock pillar watching the dust, then time slows back down and when it reaches normal, I notice the column beneath me is eroding. It finally gets worn thin enough that it collapses, and I (who somehow has changed to a not very authentic looking black samurai outfit and am holding an Ôdachi) am taken down into the dust, and darkness takes me.
Lesse, in other news I still don't know about the library job, but am going to drive down later today to find out. Also got some very sucessful meditation in this morning (good thing) but unfortunantly I was meditating 'cause I couldn't sleep at 4 am. (bad thing)
bakadragon, need to talk to ya at some point, when are you going to be available?