Title: Loyalty
Rating: NC-17
Pairing: AiUlqui, Canon verse
Notes: I'm not sure if I got the characterisation down pat here, but...er. Nevermind. It's porn. PORN FOR KENDRA, FOR PAYING ME PB30. <3
Aizen rested his head back against his white throne, smiling perversely to himself as one large hand settled one the spikes of black bobbing up and down in his lap. He tightened his grip on his subordinate’s hair as a particularly enjoyable spike of pleasure shuddered through him, letting out only the slightest of groans.
Ulquiorra kept his eyes half closed, his expression never really changing except for the small spots of pink standing out garishly on his deathly white cheeks. He gripped his lord’s knees, leaning forward further despite his body’s protests to force Aizen’s cock further into his mouth and throat, knowing this wasn’t right or natural at all. He shouldn’t have been asked to do this, but he had been. And he would do what he was ordered, as always.
The large room where Aizen would usually sit by himself to think and plan was almost deathly quiet, save only for the occasional whispered sound of pleasure that he let slip out. Despite his need and his desire, Aizen didn’t see fit to be vocal during acts like this. He had to show he was the one in charge, and what better way that to have one of his most trusted sucking him off when anyone could walk in? He almost wanted one of the other Espada to, but had to remind himself that Ulquiorra’s respect and reputation were still important.
He hissed out raw pleasure as the surprisingly talented lips drew back to suckle his sensitive tip, tongue darting out to run along the slit. Aizen reached out to grab one of Ulquiorra’s smaller hands, guiding it to his cock meaningfully. The Espada took the hint and wrapped his fingers around the base, squeezing gently in time with his mouth’s ministrations.
He hoped this would be over soon enough, but gathered from Aizen’s previous actions that he would have no such luck. He had been almost casually informed that his loyalty was going to be tested, and Aizen had very firm plans for seeing just how far it stretched. This was only the beginning, Ulquiorra imagined.
He was brought back from his thoughts by a particularly hard thrust into his mouth, almost gagging as the back of his throat clenched painfully. He chanced a look up as Aizen squeezed his eyes shut, another tight clutch on the course hairs under his fingers signalling his release. Ulquiorra made sure to keep his lips closed as warm liquid spilled into his mouth, trying hard to swallow it all lest any drip down onto his uniform. He didn’t need Noitora making comments about that, he was sure.
Aizen brought both of his hands up to run them through his hair, smoothing it back into place properly as he let out a satisfied sigh. He glanced down at Ulquiorra with a patronising smile as the younger male moved back, swiping the back of his hand across his lips.
“Is that all Aizen-sama wants from me?” he asked, monotonous as usual, as though nothing had just happened.
“Oh, I don’t think so.” Aizen replied, voice breathy and deep from his orgasm. He beckoned the boy forward and reached out to tug down the zipper of his uniform roughly, longs fingers running over the exposed skin and number four tattoo.
“I won’t be done with you for a while yet.”