Title: Burning
Characters: Alverez, Nava [there and back again - original series.]
Prompt: 96.Writer’s Choice: Superstition
Word Count: 138
Summary: He wakes up in New Jersey to an empty bed…
Rating: PG (content)
Notes: Major angst. You have been warned. (
my table ).
He wakes up in New Jersey to an empty bed and a cigarette still smoldering in an ashtray on the nightstand. Stevie Wonder’s voice smothers him like the silvery smoke dancing across the ceilings of his fiancée’s waterfront flat.
He is twenty-one years old.
He shuffles into the tidy kitchen and hauls himself onto the counter, watches Nava watch him. The news is on in the living room and it’s a beautiful Tuesday morning for a run, but her tears smear today’s perfect application of mascara.
He gathers her into his arms, smoothes her hair, and he’s still listening to Superstition when he finally looks at the television sitting so forlornly on its glass stand before the couch, and his city is burning as the South Tower falls.
He is one-hundred years old.