This happened a couple weeks before Stickler's last entry.
InterPlanetJanet: hay there I saw u on the forum lol I like your theories :)
GeniuscapitalG: wha oh hi
GeniuscapitalG: which forum?
GeniuscapitalG: I'm on like five or six science forums
InterPlanetJanet: forums lol Iam on there as Schroedinger's Kitten... i don't post much
GeniuscapitalG: lol shroedingers kitten that's really funny
InterPlanetJanet: I really liked your behavioural study on those bullies at your school
GeniuscapitalG: oh thanks a lot!!!1 they are total assholes it didn't even come across half as bad as it is in real life
InterPlanetJanet: they sound terrible!! :( it really hit home too cuz i get bullied like that too just because iam so smart and they dont understand real genius
GeniuscapitalG: omg that is exactly the reason they bully me
GeniuscapitalG: what is their problem anyway? they're so jealous
InterPlanetJanet: i can tell!
InterPlanetJanet: i m marie ;)
GeniuscapitalG: youre marie? Oh!
GeniuscapitalG: I'm Wesley!!
GeniuscapitalG: So you're a girl who likes science, huh? That's pretty cool
InterPlanetJanet: i love science!! lol its my life
InterPlanetJanet: people call me a nerd but they are just mentally challenged wastes of flesh who cant appreciate me
GeniuscapitalG: wtf that is exactly what my mom says about the bullies
InterPlanetJanet: your mom must be really smart to have such a cute and smart son like you ;)
GeniuscapitalG: c-cute!?
GeniuscapitalG: Oh you saw my science fair pics huh
InterPlanetJanet: ja i did ;)
GeniuscapitalG: oh um lol heh my mom made me wear that suit and i look better in a hat and uh
GeniuscapitalG: what do you look like?
InterPlanetJanet: i has brown hair and i keep it in braided pigtails and i wear glasses and carry my chemistry textbook everywhere. people tell me I look like a librarian but i think they mean it as an insult but i dont see anything wrong with looking this way
GeniuscapitalG: my middle school librarian was really hot so thats not an insult
InterPlanetJanet: tee hee you really are cute
GeniuscapitalG: heh um uh wow you're a lot nicer than any of the other girls who like science i know
InterPlanetJanet: and you are way smarter than any of those other boys i know
GeniuscapitalG: well of course!
InterPlanetJanet: you should tell me more about yourself cuz you sound sooooo smart
GeniuscapitalG: oh sure um
GeniuscapitalG: I like to read textbooks and I live in LA and I am an only child and I'm top of my class even though my English grades are only As and not A+s
InterPlanetJanet: English is so not fair it is not meant for geniuses like us
GeniuscapitalG: The teacher doesnt like me much but my mind is too vast to be distilled into mere words really
InterPlanetJanet: you are truly ahead of our time
GeniuscapitalG: Yeah totally
GeniuscapitalG: so how old are you?
InterPlanetJanet: i just turned 17 ;)
InterPlanetJanet: what about you wesley??
InterPlanetJanet: can I call you wesley or do you like wes better?
GeniuscapitalG: Oh um well I'm almost 17 and gosh either one is great
InterPlanetJanet: Wesley is a lot more dignified
GeniuscapitalG: That's true
GeniuscapitalG: My mom says she named me after Wesley Crusher did you ever watch that show?
InterPlanetJanet: omg star trek??
GeniuscapitalG: yes the next generation
InterPlanetJanet: that is so interesting
GeniuscapitalG: yeah she thought he was the best character because he was so smart and you can call me wesley if you want
InterPlanetJanet: you really live up to your namesake i think i already have a "crusher" on you wesley ;))
GeniuscapitalG: wwehere do you live marie?
GeniuscapitalG: we should hang out
InterPlanetJanet: i wish we could i live really far away though :(
GeniuscapitalG: oh really? how far away?
InterPlanetJanet: canada-far
GeniuscapitalG: oh
GeniuscapitalG: maaan
InterPlanetJanet: but my dad lives in nevada maybe I can see you the next time I visit him??
GeniuscapitalG: yeash sure i bety my mom would love to go
GeniuscapitalG: where in nevadsa
InterPlanetJanet: vegas
GeniuscapitalG: yeah? That's like only about four hours away!! when do you usually visit him?
InterPlanetJanet: I was going to go visit him in a month or two
InterPlanetJanet: but maybe I can ask to come earlier ;)
GeniuscapitalG: uh sure yeah i bet i could get my mom to drive and all
GeniuscapitalG: she would probably want to go to see the star trek experience too
InterPlanetJanet: i can hardly wait to meet you wesley i bet you are so much smarter and more handsome in person
GeniuscapitalG: huh ehhehuu yeah i think so anyway
GeniuscapitalG: so do you have any pics
InterPlanetJanet: not right now but i will try and get some for you really soon i promise
GeniuscapitalG: ok uh hey so tell me a little bit more about yourself
InterPlanetJanet: irl i am a little shy and i like documentaries and science (duh) and i like you (tee hee)
GeniuscapitalG: oh have you seen march of the penguins?
InterPlanetJanet: the original or the remake with bob dole??
GeniuscapitalG: I watched them both simultaneously
InterPlanetJanet: i like the bob dole one better his voice is much more inspirational
GeniuscapitalG: if you listen to both at the same time it's like I would imagine the voice of god would be if I believed in god which I dont
InterPlanetJanet: you are so deep wesley
InterPlanetJanet: it makes my heart flutter
GeniuscapitalG: flutter in the good way or flutter in the herart arrythmia way
InterPlanetJanet: I think in the good figurative way but I am not entirely sure. My mom is a nurse I will ask her when she gets home.
GeniuscapitalG: Hum wow thats cool I know a girl who wants to be a nurse someday
GeniuscapitalG: but she's a jerk too actually
GeniuscapitalG: Not nice like you
InterPlanetJanet: oh that is too bad :(
GeniuscapitalG: Yeah but thats okay i'm over her
InterPlanetJanet: I have been doing an experiment lately
InterPlanetJanet: i want to post my results on the forum in a few weeks maybe
GeniuscapitalG: oh yeah? What kind of an experiment?
InterPlanetJanet: i am trying to see if the body cleans itself after several weeks of not washing.
GeniuscapitalG: Oh yeah i read an article about that a while ago and did that experiment too
InterPlanetJanet: what results did you get??
GeniuscapitalG: I dunno my mom got pissed off after about a week and a half and made me take a shower
GeniuscapitalG: i told her it was for science, but she didn't listen
InterPlanetJanet: i am about two weeks into my experiment
InterPlanetJanet: i should post my results so far next week
GeniuscapitalG: Thats a great idea, i'd love to see what you come up with
InterPlanetJanet: you are so sweet wesley
GeniuscapitalG: thanksa
GeniuscapitalG: uh so hey
GeniuscapitalG: um when are you usually on?
InterPlanetJanet: oh usually after i finish my homework unless i have a big project ;)
GeniuscapitalG: ahahssha yeah me too
GeniuscapitalG: you takking summer classes or does school start early for you
InterPlanetJanet: it starts pretty soon and i am very excited because I get to take an advanced sciencey type course that lets us build things with lego
GeniuscapitalG: whoa no way I took that course it was really awesoem
GeniuscapitalG: afterwards I made my mom buy me tons and tons of lego
InterPlanetJanet: it really stiimulates the brain!!
GeniuscapitalG: Oh yeah i have buitl so much stuff like with the technix, have you ever used those??
InterPlanetJanet: oh i love that stuff!! i wish i still had some :(
GeniuscapitalG: i can send you some
InterPlanetJanet: thats so sweet of you
InterPlanetJanet: you are a sweetie wesley
InterPlanetJanet: wesley cutie ;)
GeniuscapitalG: gagaga hummm aklda dflathalnk you
InterPlanetJanet: you are smart as you are handsome
GeniuscapitalG: my mom awlasy sasys that too lol
GeniuscapitalG: hueher hey i just got an idea lets do an experimetn at the same time sometime
InterPlanetJanet: that would be fun we should do a really good one
GeniuscapitalG: we could see who can grow more crystals faster
InterPlanetJanet: i like potatoes
InterPlanetJanet: lets do something with potatoes
GeniuscapitalG: like potato batteries?
InterPlanetJanet: in jars
GeniuscapitalG: man that's baby science tho
InterPlanetJanet: i like it though it would be a good starter experiment involving climate
InterPlanetJanet: do you want to make me sad wesley?
InterPlanetJanet: because you are :(
GeniuscapitalG: o-oh no i didnt
GeniuscapitalG: no!
GeniuscapitalG: Sorry!!!
GeniuscapitalG: Sure we can do potatoes
InterPlanetJanet: okay good
GeniuscapitalG: climate huh
GeniuscapitalG: we'll think of something
GeniuscapitalG: can I get your email??
GeniuscapitalG: oadskfakay
GeniuscapitalG: ok mines
GeniuscapitalG: lets email abou tit
InterPlanetJanet: sounds good wesley
GeniuscapitalG: im um
GeniuscapitalG: im glad you messaged me marie
InterPlanetJanet: i am glas we chatted cutie
GeniuscapitalG: its getting kind of late so im going to go to bed okay
GeniuscapitalG: but we shoudl chat more tmorrow
InterPlanetJanet: taht would be great
InterPlanetJanet: email me when you wake up okay??
GeniuscapitalG: i will!!!!
GeniuscapitalG: Night!!!!
InterPlanetJanet: night!!!
* GeniuscapitalG has signed off