I just have a very sensitive issue up for debate. I do not intend any sort of discrimination whatsoever.
As a non-asian here - white girl here -, I accept that I'm out of the ordinary in Super Junior or even DBSK's group of fans. I never really thought about it how odd it is. However I met this girl today (she had just come from Korea a few years
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Comments 252
My cousins give me sooooooooooo much crap for listening to asian music period.
I think, people think I'm strange that I do listen to asian music because *shock* I'm not asian.
I dunno, I don't care what people think, I'm my own person.
I'm Spanish and most of the music I listen is in English, Japanese, Finnish and Korean. What's the matter? I enjoy the music as much as native listeners. Language shouldn't be a problem.
even years ago when someone asked me what music I´m listening to and I say "Japanese Rock" (and now korean pop) they went like O.o...wha?? isn´t that just like flute and stuff??
the next question usually is like "Do you understand any of what they´re singing?"
usually I say that I´m learning japanese as well as there are translations on the internet. And well, Music´s something international. Even if you don´t udnerstand a word but if you love the music and the feeling you get from it - it´s okay and it´s okay to love it.
People really should look a little more for something "new" and ....I dunno if there´s a term for that in english but in germany we say "etwas über den Tellerrand schauen". (lit. more like " to look over the dishes´ end." )
but it´s not just with asian music. Stuff like that also happened to friend of mine who is addicted to reggae. (though that´s not even as "uncommon" as asian music)
everyone thinks when i say im listening to japanese music that i'm listening to some zen stuff
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