I just have a very sensitive issue up for debate. I do not intend any sort of discrimination whatsoever.
As a non-asian here - white girl here -, I accept that I'm out of the ordinary in Super Junior or even DBSK's group of fans. I never really thought about it how odd it is. However I met this girl today (she had just come from Korea a few years
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Comments 252
I know how it feels,except I have noone to even MENTION SuJu to,because they think it's crap :)
Somehow I find Asian musics much better than western ones. People around me just don't get it. For them, everything American is cool and I'm always like "Why don't you people try something different and in fact MUCH MUCH BETTER????" But sadly, they just don't give a damn -.- So I give up. But it makes me treasure my good taste more! XD XD
I feel the same way,and it really sucks. I don't have any Asian friends either who'd understand me better,either.
X3 but that's true,haha!
It's good musical taste is so diverse, otherwise.. music would be boring!
I'm african american btw
I think maybe there would be mixed reactions depending on who you talk to. i think some people would be delighted while others may be a bit surprised.
Besides they should be happy because it's actually a big compliment. Don't feel embarrassed. :)
Just a little opinionated. xDDD
But musical taste is so diverse which is a good thing, otherwise it'd all be boring!
It's not as odd to us, who have so many types of music at our disposal, but it may be to people from other countries...I dunno...
I think we can definitely enjoy their music. Don't let it get you down. Just keep doing what you're doing!!
JRock is starting to get media attention, which is a start. I saw The Underneath, DaizyStripper, and Marbell at an anime convention, and I'n going to see Dir en grey in November...
It's only a matter of time before other types of Asian music gains the type of popularity needed for media to research it...!!
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