((For player reference.))
Daniel is, perhaps surprisingly, a successful lawyer. Perhaps even more surprisingly, he's an honest one; he won't take cases that he has doubts about, nor will he try and convince people to sue others for the smallest of things. And while he doesn't mind giving a few suggestions to close friends, when people try and take advantage of his good nature, then he cracks down and shows you what might be one of the best traits to have in a attorney - a certain degree of ruthlessness.
He's also bomb at disco dancing, and taught Miles all he knows.
Angela was a stay at home mom, and for the most part, still is - but with her kids getting older, she's having more and more time to herself. She fills this time with sewing, and is a common face at the fabric stores. She's made most of the Baker childrens' Halloween costumes (Including the occasional revamps of Super Miles and Wonder Jess), and helps others with their own projects.
She keeps pressuring Miles to take more interest in school, and while she's (mostly) accepted the fact he's probably going to go to community college at first, she's still holding on to the hope that he'll end up in law school like his father.
If you were wondering why the Baker family has a lawyer and they still live in the suburbs, this is why - Jessica is a college student back East. Alright, so that was mainly what Miles uses to explain it (really, Daniel just likes the area a whole lot and likes being there for people), because Jessica - Jess - is smart, and has gotten quite a few scholarships to pay for her education. She comes home from time to time, but for the most part, the main way they stay in contact with her is through email.
She's got a bit of sibling rivalry with Miles, but it's not brutal or anything - they poke fun at eachother, and then laugh about it.
Relaxed, spazzy, and fun-loving describes Miles quite well (contrary to popular belief around school, he is not a stoner, though he has done pot a few times - didn't especially like it, and when his dad found out, he wasn't too pleased). He's the kind of guy who thinks all play and no work is awesome, though he does (reluctantly, and when pressured) do his homework. He's not the kind to stick his nose into too many things, though if there's something wrong with his friends, he'll do what he can to cheer them up.
He likes comic books, and has a good few boxes of them under his bed. He's not too interested in keeping them in pristine condition, though he does keep the plastic sheeting - what's the point of having them if you don't read 'em?
BOOSTER - 4 (28)
The family dog, though Miles does most of the work when it comes to taking care of him. He's a mutt, though they're pretty sure that there's some St. Bernard or Bulldog in there somewhere - who knows. Booster's a good dog, if a bit laid-back. He doesn't bark - he sniffs. Then licks. Then wants food.
Some guard dog. Though he can be kind of intimidating when he's rushing you with the intent to ZOMGPLAY!!!!!!!11one