01. Real name → Lisa
002. Nickname(s) → Nudel, Evil-muffin, Kiba are the most used ^^ and then my teacher calls me Eliza of some reason i don't know XD
003. Zodiac sign → Leo (^w^)/
004. Male or female → female (no i'm secretly a dude XD)
005. Elementary → this is complicated as the danish school system is 10 years of folkeskolen, and 3 of gymnasium (danish highschool) but well, don't wanna remember this anyway xD I almost get myself removed from my home D: like forced away from my family... >< (if you didn't understand that try translate the danish word 'tvangsfjernet') and a couple of things i still don't want to talk about
006. Middle School → Started off pretty bad, bullying and even more things i don't like telling >< but now, i'm fine
007. High School → we'll see ^^
008. Hair color → naturally Dark blond/brown, dyed darker brown ^^
009. Long or short → my hair - long i think, myself - short XD
010. Loud or Quiet → that depends, quiet around my family, loud around my friends actually load most of the time haha
011. Sweats or Jeans → Jeans x3
012. Phone or Camera → mp3 player XD phone
013. Health freak → sometimes i can be, but that's rather rarely
014. Drink or Smoke? → lol let's avoid this question XD
015. Do you have a crush on someone? → you could say that
016. Eat or Drink → eat! i love food XD
017. Piercings → one in each ear ^^ got them when i was 4 in italy! XD
018. Tattoos → too young haha
019. Been in an airplane → lot's of times and i love it! XD weeeee~!
020. Been in a relationship → kinda ^^'
021. Been in a car accident → never been hit, but lost count long time ago at how many times i've been very close XD
022. Been in a fist fight → couple of times (._.)
023. First piercing → ears
024. First best friend → Nete~! but i then i shifted school and i don't speak with her often anymore (._.;)
025. First award → can't remember XD guess i won a contest or something
026. First crush → *avoids*
028. First big vacation → Italy! and god i miss my family there D:
029. Last person you talked to → My littlesister Emma ^^
030. Last person you IMed → dunno XD seriously
031. Last person you watched a movie with → crap i rarely watch movies XD ehmm my classmates during school i think?
032. Last food you ate → potatoes and some meat i dunno what's called in english (^w^)/
033. Last movie you watched → a documentary about Australia (^w^)/
034. Last song you listened to → Rinne Centimental Gang by SuG 8D
035. Last thing you bought → a soda XD
036. Last person you hugged → i give hugs pretty often XD but i think last time was either my little sister or my mother XD
037. Food → Ice cream! or spaghetti bolognese *¬* i mean, just look at it! it is so tasty!
038. Drinks → Soda *(^O^)* and x-ray
039. Clothing → black or colorful! punky or baggy
040. Books → dunno actually (._.)
041. Music → Jrock, right now my favorite tracks are:
SID - Namida no Ondo
Ayabie - Aitakute
Miyavi - superhero
Gazette - Taion
Gazette - Before i decay
Dog in the PWO - ARUTORA
and then the rest is SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! SuG! that's pretty much everything i've listened to the last months
042. Flowers → cactus's! cause every other plants die from me >< they don't like when i forgets to water them for 6 months XD but all my cactus's are healthy XD
043. Colors → dark/blood red! sort or neon green/pink!
044. Movies → disneys
Anastasia! 045. Positions → honestly, i don't know XD
046. Subjects → English, and danish (n_n)
IN 2009 I....
047. [] kissed in the snow.
048. [] celebrated Halloween
049. [x] had your heart broken
050. [x] went over the minutes on your cell phone
051. [x] someone questioned your sexual orientation
052. [] Came out of the closet
053. [] gotten pregnant
054. [] had an abortion
055. [x] done something you've regretted
056. [] broke a promise
057. [x] hid a secret
058. [x] pretended to be happy
059. [x] met someone who changed your life (quite many)
060. [x] pretended to be sick
061. [] left the country
062. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.
063. [] traveled to high mountains.
064. [x] ran a lot on the beach
065. [] live on a beach
066. [x] stayed single a whole year
067. Eating → nothing, but chewing gum
068. Drinking → more soda XD
069. I'm about to → walk the dog last time today before sleeping ^^ love dogsitting haha
070. Listening to → 16bit HERO by SuG
071. Plans for today → now, the day's almost over, but i guess i'll make my littlesister laugh, and play with her, and clean my room once again ^^
072. Waiting for → my friend to answer me back, i asked if we could meet somewhere one of these days so he could explaine a rather personal thing to me... but i'm afraid he's angry with me cause i asked? well, he told me at first, and then i got worried for him and another friend, and asked if he would explaine it further. He answered that he would like if it could be face to face, and i asked if he then had plans for one of the following days, and he hasn't answered me back yet >< and the conversation was yesterday.
074. Want to get married? → don't know yet
075. Careers in mind → language teacher, photograph, or occupational therapist. (cause an occupational therapist helped my littlesister so much and i am her so grateful you can't imagine!
076. Lips or eyes → Eyes ^^
077. Shorter or taller? → taller~
078. Romantic or spontaneous → dunno, we'll see hehe
079. Nice stomach or nice arms → don't like 'pumped' guys. slim is better, cause they're all so cute!
080. Sensitive or loud → depends~
081. Hook-up or relationship → Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant → hard question XD i know lots of trouble makers, but they all drink as a hole in tha ground, and smokes too >< so, i think something in between ^^ i don't mind hestitans though
083. Lost glasses/contacts → countless times XD
084. Ran away from home → no, not that i remember
086. Killed somebody/thing → Spiders, cause when you watch scary movies about a giant spider who eats people, you suddenly gets afraid of them XD
087. Broken someone's heart → i don't hope so
088. Been arrested → not yet XD
089. Cried when someone died → *avoids question*
090. Yourself → depends XD
091. Miracles → No, not really.
092. Love at first sight → no, you can't love a person you don't know
093. Heaven → maybe.
094. Santa Claus → YEAH! he gives me presents so who don't believes in him? XD
095. Sex on the first date → narh, i don't think so, that would just be awkward.
096. Kiss on the first date → yeah, that's cute!
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? → YOU!! XD
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? → i don't think i understand this question correctly, but honestly i think you should always be happy with what you have! and not unhappy with what you don't - cause life can always be worse, and being pessimistic only bringes trouble
099. Do you believe in God → not really either
100. Post as 100 truths and tag 20 people → 20 people!? i don't even think i have more than 10 friends at LJ XD
more questions just ask (^w^)/~~