I made myself these quesadillas with low-fat cheese and corn oil, following the Joan Lunden cookbook. I don't know how to use commas correctly. Maya and Ben think we need to have more dinner parties and I agree.
Book talk.
I finished Child of My Heart by Alice McDermott. I liked it a lot better by the time I got to the end. I still wouldn't recommend it to any one but if you like coming of age stories I would say just go ahead and read it. I started reading White Teeth by Zadie Smith. So far, it's awesome. Very funny.
I'm so excited about the snow! One only hopes traffic won't be totally fucked since I'll be on the move Wednesday night. Oh I was reading McSweeney's the journal put out by David Eggers who wrote A Heartbreaking Work of Staggering Genius. I don't remember anything about the book except they went to the same nude beach Olivia, Aaron, David, and I went to. Anyway, I never had a problem with the style of the book except for those annoying foreword-y things. I figured out what made it ten times more annoying for me. He kept using "we" when he just meant "I." Lordy.
Today I went to the bank and the bank woman told me that people around here make bad customers because they are not used to being disappointed. I think she meant Westchester people. I don't know if it's a Westchester thing or an East coast thing or what, but I definitely have noticed the people I know from here love to get pissed off at service people. I mean my friends and family. I think I'm definitely better than them, but there's probably room for improvement. I've never lived anywhere else for a significant period of time so I can't really say if it's a place thing.
Last night I stayed up until five reading Cynthia Voight novels. She wrote Dicey's Song, The Blue Heron, Seventeen Against the Dealer, Jackaroo and On Fortune's Wheel. She wrote more, but those were the ones I reread. Dicey's a bitch. I'll never like her. But all Cynthia Voight male love interests are good-looking. That's nice.
Buffy. I'm going to try to run to Buffy tonight. We'll see how that goes.