fun thing i did today: I had this great idea last night while I was getting ready to go to sleep...I decided to do something to let Chris know how much I love him. So I went to Otterbein's bookstore today and bought him a cute card and a new s/s red Otterbein shirt that says "Otterbein Cardinals" on it. Then Britt and I went to Kroger and I bought him Halls Fruit Breezers cough drops [mmm, both of our favorites] because he's been sick, Gushers because he loves them, and a red bag to wrap them all in. So I decorated the outside of the bag, wrapped all his presents and took it over to his house. I love giving people presents, especially when they're surprises.
thing i feel bad about today: Not starting my Philosophy midterm review's not until next week, but I want to get going on it.
stupid thing of the day: Me thinking I could walk as fast as I normally do on the icy sidewalk and almost falling on my ass on the way home from the radio station this afternoon.
something i'm proud of today: Signing my open bid and becoming a pledge of Theta Nu. I proved to myself that I believe in myself and the ability I have to get through a stressful month and be okay. I've been so worried about it, but I know that it will be worth it in the end.
best compliment of the day: "You are too much," and "You do win the girlfriend of the year award," --Chris, after opening his presents. "You're one of my best friends!" --Val. "We wanted you SOOOO bad and I am SOOOO happy! I am SOOOO excited that you signed!!! (and then 100 smilie faces)" --Senchal. :)
wearing: Light wash Aber jeans, really long sleeved navy blue t-shirt that says HOLLISTER across the front and California down the sleeve.
something that disappointed me today: Not getting my Philosophy quiz or my Application Log back in my classes today!
favorite thing bought today: The stuff I bought for Chris. And I bought the first tube of toothpaste that I've ever had to buy on my own! I usually steal it from my house. :)
looking forward to: Not having class until 12:30 tomorrow. Maybe getting up and going tanning, but I don't know for sure.