I'd LIKE to help, but I don't have any money.
No problem! It's completely fine to donate in OTHER ways, such as donating items (clothes, books, food, toys, etc), donating blood/plasma/bone marrow/hair/whatever, volunteering for things (homeless shelter, picking up trash, etc), or anything else you might be able to think of. For info on how these things convert, go
here for a list, or
ask us if it's not listed.
Also, it's good to keep in mind that you don't have to donate a million dollars or anything; tossing in just a few bucks is helpful, and is STILL enough to commission somebody.
Well, okay, but I don't really have any talents.
Well, all skill levels are welcome, but if you really don't want to put artistic stuff up for grabs, that's also fine! As long as what you do isn't illegal, harassment, against the rules, or harmful in any sort of way, you can do pretty much anything you want.
You could say that, for every dollar somebody donates and commissions you with, you'll recycle something. Or you'll donate $2. Or you'll give somebody a highfive and create an awesome video montage of all the highfives you gave or something.
You could use the charity to help you reach your goals. For example, if you're trying to get in shape, say that, for every $1 (or whatever) people pitch to your thread, you'll do 50 extra situps. Or if you're trying to clean out your closet, say that for every commission, you'll spend an hour cleaning it out (then you can donate the junk you don't want or something and it'll be CHARITY UPON CHARITY).
You could throw out a question (should I read this book or this book, what should I name my cat, whatever) and whoever pitches their donation first gets to decide.
You could set an amount--say, $100--and say that once your thread raises $100 then you'll do something (i.e. go to work dressed like a pirate or something idk). Donors can just chime in with I PITCH $5 TO THIS or something and it'll all add up.
It can be as silly as people donating to tell you what sandwich to make and it doesn't matter. Super Charity Go is not serious business in the least.
So, where should I donate?
Anywhere you want! If you can't think of anything, here is a list to help get you started (but it's obviously not limited to those). Also, we recommend using Charity Navigator, which evaluates charities to see where your money is going. It will help you make the most out of your donation!
WHEN do I donate?
Any time between April 2nd and July 1st. If you donate during any other time during the year, I'm afraid we can't count it for the drive, but it is highly encouraged that you do that anyway (if you're on a program that auto-donates every month or something, we can count the donations it makes during the months the charity is running).
If you have issues that weren't answered on here or the profile, let us know!