Title: I See Red
Rating: R (for swearing and sexual content)
Pairing: Pepa/Silvia
Spoilers: Post season finale
A/N - I know I've been MIA. I have barely commented on other people's fics! *face palm* I'm so sorry, my friends. RL called. And my muse fell asleep. This chapter is total filler, and just in case you forgot what the hell was going on: The
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Comments 35
And where does the evidence lead? And Pepa and Silvia sound so confident that Silvia will come back - will she?! How? I'm dying here!
Yep, making Silvia Castro smile is what I was meant to do on this Earth. I'm sure of it.
Aww! This line was so incrediby sweet and made of pure WIN!!
I'm happy you liked my non-filler chapter. Or whatever it was. How bout we call it my sweetness chapter? Or bickering leads to sexytime chapter? Those work.
Hell yeah, sexytime chapter! hee hee!
And I always reserve the elevator icon for you too...<3
Now, if I were to give you a "love tap", it would not be on your head...
You really bring Pepa and Silvia together in such a way that it reminds me why I started to watch this little Spain television show off of youtube.
My favorite line...."I'm only at my best when I'm with you."
Another bang-up job, supes. I don't think I could possibly love this story any more than I already do...and then you post a new chapter and I'm proven wrong!
Lovley, you comment melted my heart. I'm glad your enjoyment of this story grows with each chapter. I couldn't ask for a better compliment. Thanks!
PS: I LOVE you story...any chance of an update soon?
I'm at complete halt on my story. Since I've never written before, this whole "writer's block" business is new to me and extremely frustrating. Every time I try to brainstorm some ideas, my brain just goes BLANK.
Just like that. I'm really hoping to have something down by this weekend, though. *crossing fingers*
Seriously though, I hope you beat that block and keep at it. I love your story. It enchants me!
Thanks for this amazing update it was great. I loved the teasing and the sweetness between these 2.
Please don't go away that long again super dupa we all missed you!!
"Helllll yeah baby. I'm back. And I've got what chu want..."
I'll try not to go away for so long next time. Thanks for the love.
Also, I am once again staking my claim on Ghost Silvia. To hell with it, I'm throwing caution to the wind - I love her! She's the best ghost EVER! (I don't know too many, mind you, but of this I'm quite sure.)
Though you've certainly got me curious, super, about just how long she's going to stay in this ethereal form. What have you got up your sleeve? B/c Silvia certainly doesn't seem to think she's going to stay this way forever - "I just worry that when I come back..." What, exactly, does that mean? Hmmm?? I know, I know, I'm going to have to wait patiently with all the others. *sigh* I'll try. :)
Well, considering your utter devotion, and quick response, I think you may have a leg up on winning our gorgeous specter of a crime fighter away from all others!
And as for the future of our spirited heroine? She's always been certain she'd come back. Can we trust her instincts? You'll just have to wait and see...
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