Jun 01, 2005 16:16
i cant stop starring at the cieling thinking about u
i cant stop looking at my cell waiting for u to call
Jun 01, 2005 15:15
i cant be mad at her
May 30, 2005 19:26
*sigh* parents...
cant live with them...cant live without them...?
well went to mike's played some halo1&2 and tekken1-5
now im home doing absolutely nothing
another couple weeks and schools over w00t!!
May 30, 2005 10:12
and pissed at some1
May 29, 2005 16:34
taste of the day cinnamon popcorn
May 28, 2005 21:18
when i think..
i think of one thing..
problems is..
i can never..
get it..
when ever i close my eyes..
its all i c..
but i always..
open my eyes..
too soon..
when i dream..
its what i imgaine..
before it comes in clear..
i wake up..
y does this always happen to me
i just wish
these images would stop
for the pain in side hurts
May 28, 2005 17:58
can this weekend go any better..
o yes this weekend has been fuking amazing..
o fuk it this weekend sux balls..
it sux so much balls i want school tom..
May 27, 2005 16:50
if u dont want to post i.m. me SUP3RK00L
tell other ppl and then tell those other ppl to tell other ppl