i used this day for listening. sounds and words of all genres innundated my ear drums and seeped into my brain for further comprehension
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I used today for watching. I watched them interact, talk, walk, laugh, and even sleep. And I've decided that everyone makes their own world, their own existence and sees things how they wish. I'm looking at this place through tainted glass because I starve for so much more. I'm starving for connections and meaning and more than just what's your name, where are you from, let's head up the hill. I remember our parks and our talks and our eggs, our diners, our music, our adventures and more. I'm wondering why that isn't here. Why all the thrill of this place comes from substances rather than our own minds. I think to myself that I want to live in the beauty I formally basked in, and little by little I'm beginning to believe I created that beauty. I didn't simply stumble upon it, I made it. The choices I made plus the people I found to accompany me is what I love. And I suppose that even when surrounded by robots and ex-boyfriends and people who seem void of any worthwhile desires, I suppose, if I tried I could put this place
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