Title: Cheeks Pairing: Sakumiya Rating: PG Length: 230 words
"See? Those red mushrooms looks like Oh-chan's round cheeks!" Aiba's finger was pointing towards the pinball table, where the iron ball was bouncing loudly over and over against the obstacles. "What a silly comparison is that?!" replied the Arashi's leader pouting childishly, yet amused by his bandmate’s fervid fantasy “It doesn’t look like me at all…” “He’s right Aiba-chan” intervened Ninomiya “They look more like Sho-kun’s… especially now that he’s gotten a little more chubby!” “I’m not gotten fat
( ... )
oh man i don't even know, this makes NO SENSEprimroseshowsJuly 20 2010, 04:24:04 UTC
Rated G
"--and then the shooting star there represents that time the five of us groped Captain during A.Ra.Shi!" Aiba concludes with a flourish.
Sho and Jun are laughing, but Nino is actually impressed. "Aiba-san, you're really something else! I should have expected nothing less from the Miracle Boy!"
"Wait, the entire game is a story for touching my bum?" Ohno asks, eyebrows raising as he finally processes Aiba's explanation about the hidden metaphors in pinball.
"My turn to play!" Nino shoves Jun away from the controls. "Watch how high I'll score."
"It's not even a contest if you play," Sho complains.
Nino's grin is smug and his eyes flash with satisfaction as he launches the first ball into the rink. "And that's exactly how things should be."
"Are we still talking about my butt?" Ohno asks, looking at Jun, who rolls his eyes.
"Captain," Aiba throws an arm across Ohno's shoulders. "You should get it by now! We're always talking about your butt
( ... )
Comments 74
Pairing: Sakumiya
Rating: PG
Length: 230 words
"See? Those red mushrooms looks like Oh-chan's round cheeks!"
Aiba's finger was pointing towards the pinball table, where the iron ball was bouncing loudly over and over against the obstacles.
"What a silly comparison is that?!" replied the Arashi's leader pouting childishly, yet amused by his bandmate’s fervid fantasy “It doesn’t look like me at all…”
“He’s right Aiba-chan” intervened Ninomiya “They look more like Sho-kun’s… especially now that he’s gotten a little more chubby!”
“I’m not gotten fat ( ... )
"--and then the shooting star there represents that time the five of us groped Captain during A.Ra.Shi!" Aiba concludes with a flourish.
Sho and Jun are laughing, but Nino is actually impressed. "Aiba-san, you're really something else! I should have expected nothing less from the Miracle Boy!"
"Wait, the entire game is a story for touching my bum?" Ohno asks, eyebrows raising as he finally processes Aiba's explanation about the hidden metaphors in pinball.
"My turn to play!" Nino shoves Jun away from the controls. "Watch how high I'll score."
"It's not even a contest if you play," Sho complains.
Nino's grin is smug and his eyes flash with satisfaction as he launches the first ball into the rink. "And that's exactly how things should be."
"Are we still talking about my butt?" Ohno asks, looking at Jun, who rolls his eyes.
"Captain," Aiba throws an arm across Ohno's shoulders. "You should get it by now! We're always talking about your butt ( ... )
Thanks for sharing, I loved it! :3
This wins so hard!!
( ... )
LOL for Jun!
hehe xP
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