Title: Genie Pairing: Main!Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Yesung/Ryeowook, Eunhyuk/Donghae Genre: Romance, Humor, Fantasy, Drama Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: No..still the boys aren't min. Just the effing fic. Summary: Kyuhyun found a Genie...a Naughty Genie.
1."Ofcourse I have. How do you born people? Program them?" Sungmin mocked innocently. "My dad is dead. My dad died inside our kitchen, while we were having breakfast. He has cancer and his life ended there."
2."That's not really my concern." Kyuhyun patted Sungmin's head. "But you." - i just luv everytime he pats min's head!
3. From: Cho Kyuhyun To: Lee Donghae
I'm a jejebuster so fuck off. -hae's a jejemon!!! xD kyu's a jejebuster!! xD
"Did you got hit by a ball? Does your forehead hurt?"
"Obviously." Kyuhyun answered.
LOL, I <3 Kyu when he is like that XD
There might be a small pain inside but he realized, its not him for Ryeowook, its this stupid guy who loves turtle and enjoys singing. And is also Punk.
Ha, Flower Boys description ~ 8D YAY, KyuMin camwhoring 8DD
Kyuhyun choked at Sungmin's declaration
I laughed at this after picturing Kyuhyun choking XDD
"Hey! This cute face is irrestable you know!"
WORDS OF 100% TRUTH! <33333
"Then you had sex?" Kyuhyun asked. Sungmin glared at him IRRELEVANT QUESTION ~
Kyuhyun choked again.
& LOLOLOL again :D
Donghae the jejemon and Kyuhyun the jejebuster XD
ahsiuohndciocjpsjmwn Confession from Kyuhyun?? (even though Sungmin made him say it...?) :3
Comments 56
...oh no no no @___@;;! erase erase! =.=;.! my head really hurt a bit there ahaha
wahhh poor wookie ;__;... but this story's really great! i really loved the dialogue exchanges and randomness^__^v
thanks for reading! ^____^
*mwax* ^.^
*off reading*
2."That's not really my concern." Kyuhyun patted Sungmin's head. "But you." - i just luv everytime he pats min's head!
3. From: Cho Kyuhyun
To: Lee Donghae
I'm a jejebuster so fuck off.
-hae's a jejemon!!! xD kyu's a jejebuster!! xD
i luv this!!! upd8 soon~!!
thanks for reading! ^____^
*mwax* ^.^
hae---> jejemon!!!
wookie will be fine, right??
hmmm... what will happen next?? (especially the last part)
just read the next chapter~
thanks fore reading! ^____^
*mwax* ^.^
(The comment has been removed)
thanks for reading! ^____^
*mwax* ^.^
"Obviously." Kyuhyun answered.
LOL, I <3 Kyu when he is like that XD
There might be a small pain inside but he realized, its not him for Ryeowook, its this stupid guy who loves turtle and enjoys singing. And is also Punk.
Ha, Flower Boys description ~ 8D
YAY, KyuMin camwhoring 8DD
Kyuhyun choked at Sungmin's declaration
I laughed at this after picturing Kyuhyun choking XDD
"Hey! This cute face is irrestable you know!"
WORDS OF 100% TRUTH! <33333
"Then you had sex?" Kyuhyun asked. Sungmin glared at him IRRELEVANT QUESTION ~
Kyuhyun choked again.
& LOLOLOL again :D
Donghae the jejemon and Kyuhyun the jejebuster XD
ahsiuohndciocjpsjmwn Confession from Kyuhyun?? (even though Sungmin made him say it...?) :3
OMG yeah i luv kyumin camwhoring too! i shall always put that!
thanks for reading! ^_____^
*mwax* ^.^
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