Title: Epitaph
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Yesung/Ryeowook
Genre: Romance, Humor, Drama
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The boys are not mine, just the fic^^
Summary: Sungmin pretends from being Kyuhyun's fiancee, to his his sister, then back from being his fiancee...then his wife?
Epitaph 22 )
Comments 37
But Yesung losing to Henry in Armwrestling is kinda weird o.o lol
Ahhh Yesung..if you're going to say that you'd rather to date wookie too,just say it!=3= /shot.
and OMG...please don't tell me that KyuMin's mom are the same person ;___________;
but lol Hyori XDDD
yes yes, wookie belongs to wookie and to wookie ONLY. excuse my biasness. xP
hmmm..about their 'mom' maybe in the next chapter? though i love to keep suspenses longer xP
hyori was just dropping by, don't mind the queen <3
thanks for reading~! ^____^
*mwax* ^.^
i so love you.
good work once again. and the wait was worth it.
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