Title: Epitaph
Pairing: Kyuhyun/Sungmin, Yesung/Ryeowook
Genre: Romance, Humor, Drama
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The boys are not mine, just the fic^^
Summary: Sungmin pretends from being Kyuhyun's fiancee, to his his sister, then back from being his fiancee...then his wife?
Chapter 26 )
Comments 62
Kyu takes his action now
he really care about Minnie about Kibum
I'm imaging what will Minnie looks like when he wore that out fit
i hope they are not brothers.
It's cruel for both of them
thanks for reading! ^^
*mwax* ^.^
I'm thinking about transltae this fi and post it on a Vietnamese site
is that ok?
I need your permission first.
Love you
oh and love you too <333
And Wook is probably the most crazy(stupid) people in this chapter right now.
Screaming like a crazyy like that .. =_=
thanks for reading! ^^
*mwax* ^.^
kyu's boldness? that's what u call HONESTY. XD
Well, it did sound like Kyu insists on minnie getting raped by kibum because he would want to rape him too xD rapedar xP
ahahaha wookie is just like that, ac2ally he's freakin' out because he didn't know how he got to sung's house but they'r fine after the rain^^ wookie is conservative and innocent rmmbr? XP
kyu is such a sweet hubby <3
thanks for reading! ^^
*mwax* ^.^
I almost forgot Wookie as a conservative and innocent type since he learned to counter back in talks because of Kyu :D
Kyu as a sweet hubby? XD
I couldn't agree more!!
I just LOVE to spill out my feelings in commenting after reading! (Where else can I let them out?)
that's why my comments are usually long :p
yeah kyu has rapedar xD
thankies again^^
(The comment has been removed)
LOL, yes, Kyuhyun certainly did. Because Sungmin is yummy.
Thank you for reading. :*
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