Lost thoughts (spoilers)

Jun 03, 2010 23:22

I was not satisfied by the lost finale.

Questions I wanted answered: how come the others were so hostile? If they were the "good guys", why did they kidnap, kill and harass the survivors?

How come Ben didn't know anything about the smoke monster? How come Dogen or Richard (or even the interpreter?) didn't warn Ben? The others were so xenophobic, how are we supposed to believe that the group could have been infiltrated by an outside entity (like the smoke monster)?

Whatever happened to that whole deal with women not being able to give birth on the island?

How come Ben gets to move on even though he killed everyone in the Dharama? All Michael did was kill two people (and come on, Ana Lucia deserved it) to get his son back and he's stuck on the island? At least he had a reason for killing - we still don't know why Ben killed EVERYONE in Dharama (or killed the original Henry Gale).

Maybe it all could be explained by "the smoke monster did it." If so, why not say that? Like the final battle between Jack and Locke was anti-climatic. The hatch blowing up, hell even the submarine a few episodes earlier was more suspenseful. It was never a physical struggle between these two, so an action scene doesn't seem appropriate - why not a battle of ideology? Like Smokey says he wins because all the people Jacob brought to the island fought and killed each other. Then Jack comes up with some cheesy BS reason why they aren't really bad. whatever.

Half of the final series was answering a question I didn't know I had (what happens to the characters when they die). And Jack didn't really have a son? Then why waste time showing him to us and getting us emotionally invested in him and all the other stuff that happened in the afterlife?

Why was the island under water? Way to show us something and then never, ever pay it off.

Awesome TV show, bad ending.
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