Title: Time, Please Stop (1/2)
Pairing: Akame
Rating: NC-17
Genre: Angst, Drama, Romance, Smut
carboncastelDisclaimer: They own each other.
Summary: It takes three nights for time to finally stop.
Author’s Note: This will be my last fic for now. Took a few days which is not normal for me. I think I need a break from writing. NOT a break from the fandom. Oh and if you haven’t listened to the Kpop song Time, Please Stop by Davichi, you can download it
here or
here. I think listening to it will explain why I had the need to write an Akame fic with its music and lyrics in mind. Enjoy the song and enjoy the fic! :D
Stop right there before I shed tears
Stop right there before parting begins
So you can't leave, so you can't abandon me and leave
From here on, time, please stop
[Night 1, Kamenashi]
Kame sits at the coffee table in the terrace of his luxurious home. It was 9 in the evening, but he takes a sip of his freshly prepared tea all the same, ignoring the smoke still coming from it. His house was perched on a location that overlooked the rest of the city, and he sets his gaze out at the beautiful nightlights. Kamenashi heaves a sigh.
His emotions have not been stable lately. These days, his feelings affect his work more than they should, and Kame is not happy about it. There is no point in being troubled by this at all. It is now a thing of the past, and it would only bring him harm.
What kind of harm? Kame does not know. All he knows is that whenever he thinks of Akanishi, there is an unimaginable, cruel pain in him that devastatingly desires to escape, and Kame knows that if he lets it out, it will break him.
The cold wind blows a breeze, ruffling Kame’s chocolate brown hair. He draws his jacket closer around him before taking another sip of his beverage, now slightly cooler. He misses Akanishi a lot.
But he continues to gaze out at the twinkling neons and billboards in the distance that soon met with the stars in the night horizon, and as he does so, he tells himself that he is okay. He is moving on.
Saying farewell, how am I supposed to be well?
How am I supposed to smile as you walk away?
I can't do that kind of stuff, I'll pretend I didn't hear it
Don't say anything and stop right there
[Night 1, Akanishi]
Akanishi dances to the heavy beat of the hip-hop track, his sweat and hair in his face. Someone passes him a beer and he downs it. He grinds against the woman in front of him. He couldn’t even see her, the club’s laser lights overhead blinding his eyes.
The woman gave him a hard on, brushing up her body all over him. Akanishi knew they would end up in sex soon enough, but, for the life of him, he couldn’t remember her name. These days, Akanishi forgets more than he should. Sometimes, even the things he wanted or needed to remember faded from his memory.
“Kiss me, baby,” Akanishi is brought out of his reverie as the seductive female whispers to his ear, her hand exploring his lower regions and coming to rest on his back side, squeezing gently.
He returns the favor. He slips his hand up the woman’s conveniently short skirt and in her underwear. She’s already wet. He hears her hushed moan. It does not matter that they were in the middle of a dance floor. Everyone’s doing it. And with the packed crowd all dancing and sexing and feeling, no one really cares.
Akanishi kisses the woman, in the same obscene way he had driven so many others mad and wild with craving and lust. He kisses her with fake passion, pushing further into the back of his mind any thoughts about that man.
Footsteps that are trying to leave, fix them onto the ground
Hush those lips trying to say goodbye
So you can't leave, so you can't abandon me and leave
From here on, time, please stop
[Night 2, Kamenashi]
Kamenashi lies in bed, not a hint of sleepiness anywhere in his inconsolable consciousness. He feels sick. He does not know if it’s his body betraying him, or it’s his emotions that need to be checked. He could not sleep, and he could not think of anything else.
Other than the constant ticking of the wall clock out in the living room, the silence is oppressive. Painful. Haunting. It’s on nights like this that Kame wants to fall enamored with someone random and make love to them and have them leave in the morning like none of it ever happened. Anything to dispel the agonizing solitude that thoughts about Akanishi always brought.
“Kamenashi, daijoubu?” Ueda’s gentle voice comes from the phone Kame is holding against his ear.
“Of course,” he replies.
Kame knows why his bandmate is asking.
“Ne, I’ll be going to sleep now.”
He hangs up even before Ueda replies. He doesn’t mean to be rude, but it feels like that’s what he has to do to keep himself strong, at least in the eyes of others. He has to pretend that he’s unemotional so that people would stop being so concerned about his feelings, too.
Kame turns his phone off and places it on his bedside table. He stares up at the ceiling and lets his mind flood his sight with images of Akanishi. Kame needs him. He admits to himself that he still does. But he doesn’t know what to do. Or if he should do anything at all.
Kame sighs and rolls over on his side underneath his sheets. A lone teardrop slowly runs down his face. He doesn’t bother wiping it and lets it fall on his pillow. Whatever happened to moving on.
Part 2 (final)