Final A/N: I’m writing this before typing out the fic but I’m posting if after completing the chapters because it contains spoilers (so in a way, I’m sending a message to the future LOL whut). I just wanted to say that I feel so bad that I’m about to write about Kame dying and about Akame not ending up together. I swore I’d write more happy endings, but I just had to get this off my chest. Crazy Love is like my 6nin/Akame song until further notice about a happy change in number of members, so yeah. As you will get to read this once the fic is done, I’d like to say thanks (in advance? No? This is getting confusing!) for staying with me on this. I write the fics because I miss Akame so much, and having people read and comment on what I write makes me feel that I’m not alone in missing them and all that drama. This is my first multi-chapter fic, so it means a lot to me if you guys would receive it well (as of now, I do not know how it is received yet coz I haven’t written and posted anything yet LOL I’m confusing you! xD). So there. From the bottom of my Akame heart, thank you so much!
PS: Bringing back the DL links just because :D
Crazy Love album/studio version
here Crazy Love karaoke version
here Crazy Love Queen of Pirates Live audio rip
here Humble cover by me and
carboncastel here Again, sorry for breaking your heart with the character death. Good news! IRL, he’s alive and kicking and oh-so-sexxay~ Thank you so much for staying with me through this fic! Please watch out for a couple of one-shots by me coming out in the next few days, and a new multi-chapter fic I will be working on with friends! Thank you! *hugs you all*
Chapter 6 Back to Fic list!