Name: Ozbourne
Previous stamp: Wolverine (regular theme)
Astrological sign: Sagittarius, which doesn't fit me terribly well seeing as I'm not outgoing or optimistic and it takes a lot of work for me to be friendly.
Ideal occupation: Either a fashion designer, a cartoon voice actress, a Mythbuster, or some sort of a critic (movie critic, food critic, etc.)
Likes: Fashion and fashion design, art, crafts, reading, surfing the Internet, video games, mythology and folklore, the occult, shiny things, puzzles and logic games, seafood, bubble baths, my weird dreams, going around barefoot, watching TV and movies, science, medical shows, some reality shows (namely the talent ones, Survivor, Top Model, and Project Runway), felines, and reptiles.
Dislikes: Backstabbers and people who otherwise betray my trust, clingy people, overly perky/happy people, early mornings, short-shorts, high-waisted pants, gushy romantic crap, my immune system, people who judge others unfairly based on race, age, size, sexual orientation, etc., people who push their religion or beliefs on others, socks, mayonnaise, onions, wristwatches, and the colour beige
Heroes & Villains
Favorite hero (why?): Probably Batman, because he shows that you can still be a superhero even if you don't have superpowers, he's got an interesting personality and backstory, and he's got some really awesome gadgets.
Least favorite hero (why?): Don't really have one, but if I did it'd probably be someone who I'm not currently all that familiar with.
Favorite villain (why?): I always thought Lex Luthor was pretty interesting, but more story-wise and empire-wise than personality-wise. I'm also a fan of most of the villains in Batman; again, the backstories on a lot of them are really cool.
Least favorite villain (why?): Again, I can't really think of one off the top of my head, so it'd probably be someone I'm not as familiar with at the moment.
Well, "evil" is a bit subjective.
Why would you become a villain?: Probably to get back at people who I feel wronged or betrayed me somehow, because I tend to hold grudges and can be pretty vengeful. Or I'd somehow just... snap and go insane.
How would you go about your villainy?: Probably figuring out my enemy's weakness and using it against them, so it'd really depend on who I was up against. I'd also try to be kind of sneaky, yet rather straightforward about what I was going to do... none of this taking so long to explain my plans that my enemy escapes or anything/
Do you have a theme of some sort?: Probably; it'd probably depend on how exactly I became a villain or what powers I had if any, which I'd encorporate into the theme.
How about a costume?: Probably a fairly subtle one, maybe more a signature colour or style I wore all of the time instead of an outright costume.
How do you feel about team-ups?:I really prefer to work alone if I can, since I tend to have issues trusting people.
Define "evil" in your own words: This is a difficult one, since I tend to feel that both "evil" and "good" are very subjective terms and depend entirely on the situation; take for example the act of killing another person. You go and randomly shoot your next-door neighbour, this is probably going to be seen as "evil", but you kill an enemy soldier during a war and you are seen by many as "good". So I'd say that to me, "evil" is knowing what the wrong/worst thing is to do in a situation but doing it anyway.
Can you see yourself more as a (pick one from each set and explain)...
[x] super powered villain
[ ] non-super powered villain
I think it'd be interesting to have some sort of superpowers as a villain; something that would give me an advantage over whoever I'm fighting that I don't currently have (aside from brainpower if I'm up against someone who may be one of those "dumb brute" types, who would probably beat a non-super me anyway since I'm not brawny in the least).
[x] against a super powered hero
[ ] against a non-super powered hero
Superpowers against superpowers is always more interesting, and that way it'd be more of an even playing field, so to speak.
Blasters or Lasers This or That
Creative or uniform?: Creative; I tend to be too chaotic to be too uniform; also it's always good to keep people guessing.
Cooperative or stubborn?: I'm pretty stubborn.
"Go get 'em" or "go with the flow"?: More "go with the flow", unless I'm pissed off.
Hot or cold?:Personality-wise I'd say both; I can be "hot" in that I tend to have a bad temper, and "cold" in that I tend to have a lot of problems opening up to people. I'm guessing that's what you meant and not actual temperature-wise; if you meant temperature I like it somewhere in the middle leaning towards warmer.
Think or feel?: Think. I tend to be quite analytical and despite having a temper and brooding when I'm upset, I prefer to try and keep a lid on my emotions as much as I can.
Vague or clear?: Clear, unless I feel like messing with someone's head.
Sight or sound?: Let's go with "sight". I tend to be more of a visual type learner anyway.
Adventure or security?: Generally I tend to prefer adventure.
I believe in...
Pick one out of each set that appeals most to you (and it'd be nice if you would briefly explain your choice):
[x] Logical appeal
[ ] Emotional appeal
[ ] Sex appeal
I tend to think with my head rather than with my heart, and sex appeal really doesn't do much for me, so logical it is.
[ ] Courage
[x] Wisdom
[ ] Power
Almost chose "power", but brainpower is probably more useful.
[ ] Tactics
[ ] Physical strength
[ ] Stealth
[ ] Mentality
[ ] Power
[ ] Seduction
[ ] Will
[x] Cunning
[ ] Faith
This one was tricky too, but I tend to associate cunning with the more successful villains of various fandoms. Stealth, mentality, tactics, and will are also good. I doubt it would surprise you by now that "seduction" would be my last choice of those options. *lol*
Do you have a gender preference for your stamp?: Nope.
Anything else?:I hope I did the groupings right on the "pick one" thing, since the boundaries didn't show up terribly strong in the application.