Fandoms: MCU, DCEU, Doctor Who
Task: Bonus Points
Find a screencap of a spaceship (1)
Find a screencap of a supervillain & superhero in battle (1)
Find a screencap of a superhero & friends (either other superhero or civilian friends) (1)
Find an image of Someone wearing very colorful clothes / a colorful superhero costume (1)
Find an icon of your favorite MCU/DCEU character smiling (1)
gettingdrastic @
2thousand3 Find a Black and White icon of your favorite superhero/villain character (1)
gettingdrastic @
2thousand3 Find a picture with actors at Conventions (1)
(all pictures made by me at Comic Con Experience Cologne 2019)
Find a picture with people in Cosplay (1)
(me and "my daughter" :D)
Find and share with us a black & white texture (1)
lookslikerain Find and share with us a texture with flowers (1)