Username: sgafirenity
Team: DCEU
01. What is your middle name? Alrene - And no, I didn't spell it wrong. So many people think I've mixed up the letters and it should say Arlene.
02. How old are you? 31
03. What is your birthday? February 25
04. What is your zodiac sign? Pisces
05. What is your favorite color? Red
06. What's your lucky number? 3
07. Do you have any pets? I have three dogs. Lilo is a papillon cross chihuahua, she's 8. Zoey is a Shitzhu cross chihuahua, she's 6. Daisy is a Mini Australian Shepherd crossed with a Pomeranian cross Husky (pomsky), and she's 2. Lilo and Zoey look nothing like chihuahua's.
08. Where are you from? Canada
09. How tall are you? 5'11
10. How many pairs of shoes do you own? Um... Let's see, I have two pairs of work shoes, one slip on pair, hiking boots, winter boots, rubber boots, steel-toed shoes, sandals, and running shoes. So that equals 9 pairs. lol
11. What was your last dream about? I honestly am not sure. Sometimes I remember, sometimes I don't.
12. What talents do you have? If we're not including writing fanfiction/creating art - I can juggle three ball shaped objects
13. Are you psychic in any way? I have a LOT of deja vu so depending on your definition of 'psychic', maybe
14. Favorite song? This is mean. I don't typically have a favorite song because it changes all the time. Let's go with current fav:
'The Best Way to Deal with Hate' by Madilyn Bailey. It's also on Spotify.
15. Favorite movie? This is tough because again, it changes all the time. Right now I'd say it's 'Black Widow' because I love Yelena Belova.
16. Who would be your ideal partner? I don't know.
17. Have you ever been to the hospital? Yes. Many a times. I tore a ligament in my ankle once, I jammed my knee into a rock once, a yearbook hit me in the face and I almost needed stitches, I had pneumonia once, I literally fell on my face once, and lost feeling in my two front teeth, but luckily the feeling came back, I could go on.
18. Have you ever met any celebrities? Depends. I went to school with someone that is trying to get into the business. But no, I haven't met any current celebrities. That would be cool though.
19. Baths or showers? Depends on the goal. I like showers to wash my hair, but I also like chilling in a bath with a bathbomb and catching up on reading/youtube videos.
20. What color socks are you wearing? Right now, they are grey with pink unicorns on them. lol. They came out of a countdown to christmas set. lol.
21. Have you ever been famous? No. I did get quite the following on AO3 at one point though.
22. What type of music do you like? I'm all over the board, but I'd say it's mostly a mix between EDM/Score. I know it's messed up. Basically, I'll listen to almost anything except Rap, Metal, and most country. Like for example. The playlist I'm listening to just went from '
Ghost by Au/Ra, Alan Walker' to '
The Expanse Theme by Clinton Shorter'.
23. Have you ever been skinny dipping? Nope.
24. How many pillows do you sleep with? Three
25. What position do you usually sleep in? On my left side
26. What do you typically have for breakfast? Cereal and Tea
27. Have you ever fired a gun? Nope
28. Have you ever tried archery? Only as a kid with the little bow and arrow you could get
29. Favorite clean word? Dang it or Shoot
30. Favorite swear word? Fuck
31. What's the longest you've ever gone without sleep? Um... For context I work shift work so I am often switchhing sleep schedules - I think the longest was like 26-28 hours.
32. Do you have any scars? Yes. I tried welding when I was in the 10th grade. I think it was Ark Welding, and if you know what that is, the part you have to melt to metal got stuck, and once I pulled it loose, it hit me in the arm. So I have a nice scar from that. I also ran into an heavesdrop once, and it cut my leg, but didn't warrant a hospital visit.
33. Have you ever had a secret admirer? Not that I know of.
34. Are you a good liar? Uh.. yes, I would say so.
35. Are you a good judge of character? In most cases yes, but in others, no.
36. Can you do any other accents other than your own? British. So much so that often times I don't even know I'm doing it.
37. Do you have a strong accent? No. Then again, I guess it depends on if someone was talking to me. Do Canadians have strong accents? I have no idea.
38. What is your favorite accent? British
39. What is your personality type? According to
THIS test. I am a 'Architect' personality Type.
40. What is your most expensive piece of clothing? Probably the sweaters that I own.
41. Can you curl your tongue? Yup
42. Are you an innie or an outie? Outie
43. Left or right handed? Right
44. Are you scared of spiders? To a degree. I will jump if I see one in my house, and then panic for a moment to find something to kill it, but it depends on location.
45. Favorite food? Hmm... Macaroi & Cheese
46. Favorite foreign food? I'd go with either Chow Mein, or Tacos
47. Are you a clean or messy person? Somewhere in the middle. I like to clean at times, but I can be messy at times.
48. Most used phrased? It is what it is
49. Most used word? Interesting
50. How long does it take for you to get ready? 10-15 mins.
51. Do you have much of an ego? Not really. I know what I can do, but I don't brag about it.
52. Do you suck or bite lollipops? Suck
53. Do you talk to yourself? Yes, all the time. Having masks because of the pandemic has been one of the best parts.
54. Do you sing to yourself? Yes. Who doesn't. I sing in the car all the time.
55. Are you a good singer? Maybe.. I think I'm good, but to others.. Who knows.
56. Biggest Fear? Snakes
57. Are you a gossip? Yes. If someone wants to gossip with me, I'm there.
58. Favorite school subject? Math / Chemistry
59. Extrovert or Introvert? Introvert
60. Have you ever been scuba diving? Nope
61. What makes you nervous? The Unknown - I like knowing what I'm doing, or where I'm going, etc. I do mass amounts of research into things so I know things.
62. Are you scared of the dark? No
63. Do you correct people when they make mistakes? Depends on what it is, but if I think they will benefit, then yes
64. Are you ticklish? Depends on where you tickle me..
65. Have you ever started a rumor? No, but someone at a previous job did about me, and it was pretty funny. I was there, they told me they were going to do it.
66. Have you ever been in a position of authority? Yes. I run my own Land Comm. but in a work setting, yes and no. I haven't been a supervisor or manager, but there was a time where people came to me for answers.
67. How many piercings do you have? Zero.
68. What color is your hair? It's currently pink, for cancer awareness month. It's natural color is brown, but it's very rarely actually brown. Before it was pink, it was black and orange for halloween.
69. What color are your eyes? Brown
70. What are you allergic to? Bee stings, and the non-gel deoderant.
71. Do you keep a journal? Nope
72. Do you like your age? For me, age, is just a number
73. What makes you angry? Depends on the situation
74. Do you like your own name? Yes.
75. What are your strengths? Multi-tasking, problem solving, the ability to appear unfazed by serious situations, a good listener, detail oriented
76. What are your weaknesses? Can sometimes jump to conclusions to the point that I am trying to assess first
77. How did you get your name? My parents - However, my middle name is the name of my mom's best friend
78. Were your ancestors royalty? Maybe... I have no idea
79. Color of your bedspread? It's multiple shades of orange
80. Color of your room? white walls