Jul 11, 2009 06:55

Damn, RTD. Just...damn.
I like television and movies because I can get away from my boring, mundane, sometimes crappy life for a little while, and see something entertaining.
Children of Earth was entertaining, but I left the miniseries feeling like one of my friends died. I knew it was going to get bad when they FUCKING EXPLODED THE HUB.
Torchwood isn't really Torchwood without the Hub. What about the Pterodactyl? Jack's frozen brother? All their information? Janet the Weevil?
Tiny things that make up larger bits of what makes this show awesome.

This was just an emotional trip throughout. I would have taken that shit straight to the airwaves. People would fight for their kids. These governments were ridiculous. You can't just take millions of children from their families and expect nobody to fight back. I'd have a flamethrower, my kids would have flamethrowers, it would be ON.

I think the most terrible part was when I started predicting it. When the civil service guy went home with the little silver box, I was like "It's a gun. He's going to murder/suicide his family." That's TERRIBLE. Absolutely terrible. TBH, I can't say I blamed him.

I was spoiled for Ianto's death via Twitter. I'm glad. It would have ABSOLUTELY ENDED me to not be at least mildly prepared for it. I still cried. A lot. My friend who had never seen Torchwood before fucking cried. That scene was I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY KILLED IANTO. He's like...Ianto. It's just wrong.

The absolute most incorrect thing about this entire thing was Jack. That was NOT Jack. I'm so disappointed in his character it might be a little sad. Jack is supposed to be a hero. He's never been the "for the greater good, so lemme just microwave my grandson & to hell with what my daughter thinks about it" kind. WRONG.

& then he just up and leaves Earth? Jack wouldn't do that. He's better than that. Also, isn't his Vortex Manipulator supposed to be broken?

If any of you go to Comic Con, LASER BEAM RTD'S KNEECAPS FOR THIS BULLSHIT. Please. Honestly, please. XD

I'm terrified for Ten now. I can't even think about what sort of hell is in store for Who fans when he regenerates. I'm going to be in a STATE. *cowers*

This entire episode series just made me feel terrible as a whole. It was good, but I just can't think of that being the last of Torchwood...or the beginning of a new season. There's nothing left to make a season from! D:

greetings from mount fandom, tv, e, tl;dr, fuck my life!, trufax, no u!, leave britney alone!, srsly, hater tots, public service announcement, lulz, double damn, television, d:, that broke my crayons, eye candy, i can't heal you, i approve this message, idgi, never gonna give you up, emoburger, cutabitch, oh goddammit, friends, that's how i roll, +10 suckage, cheese and rice!, fangirlish, relationships, rambles, frakkin shite, chagrinned, doctor who, wtfever, where's rose and her bamf gun, staycationing, wat, slacktivism, fornever!, torchwood, ded, my freak flag is flying, gr7, whoreanus, live long & prosper, post-potter depression, sadtiems, ftw

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