& since my last Torchwood post was mostly wank-filled (I actually did like the episode. It was entertaining!), I'm going to list what I fangirled about in these 5 episodes.
e Gwen is having a baby! I was so happy when this was revealed. That kid will be cute as hell, and its name BETTER be Janto. <3
e Martha got married! I squee'd b/c Martha/Tom is adorableness wrapped in cute, but I was a bit disappointed, because I've been reading Ten/Martha fic and it's pretty awesome, NGL.
e Janto! Just...everything. The "couple" conversations were nearly too much. I got kind of pissed when Jack walked off and said "Now who's a couple?". STFU AND TAKE A MIDOL, BOE. & when Ianto was talking to his sister about Jack...OMG. "It's not men. It's just him. It's only him." Oh heart. OH. (Also, I totally blame myself for Ianto's demise. I shipped Janto pretty hard toward the end, and I apparently doom ships. I don't think
sigmaflare-spaz is ever going to forgive me for ruining his OTP.)
e Gwen was so badass in this, I can barely stand it. Running around Lara Croft style, guns blazing, shooting up fake paramedics. TOO MUCH. Love her. LOVE HER. She rocks so hard. & her little gap is probably one of the cutest things ever.
e UNEXPECTED NAKED JACK! I need not say anymore.
e Ianto with a hard hat. I lived.
e I actually liked Rhys in this! I usually just want him to STFU and let Gwen get to being badass, but he was ridiculously awesome here.
e Lois Abiba wins at life!
e When Gwen petted the picture of Owen & Tosh. Also D:
e at the "Ten Quid a Kid" thing. Cutest name for a daycare EVER.
e Alice is just too fucking fantastic for words! I love her owning the SHIT out of that guy with a damn cutting board. YOU GO GIRL. She's completely her father's daughter (except for the whole part where I'm incredibly pissed off at Jack, and this sucks because he's a fictional character, so he really can't redeem himself unless they make another series, and I kind of hope they don't, but kind of hope they do because John Barrowman is pretty. I'll forgive Jack Harkness if he sings on the show, or we get more Unexpected Full Frontal Naked Jack)
There are probably more, but my brain is shutting down wishing for sleep, so *flopzzz*