Title: The Killing Games
Pairing: Kyuhyun-centric, hints of ninja pairings.
Genre: Serial Killer!AU
Rating: R
Warnings: Violence, gore, language, murder, character death. NOT FLUFF
Summary: It started off as just a harmless accident, but it was fun, so he continued.
Note: READ THE WARNINGS BEFORE READING THIS FIC. THE WARNINGS ARE THERE FOR A REASON. Also, any negative views/comments made on the Super Junior members are not our own, but are necessary for this story.
Andi gave me permission to say this so...for anyone who cares to know. There is a new shimin comm
shiminlove come pic/gif spam and post your shimin fics there. We have super cool mods who love to spazz with you ;) And that's all loves, enjoy the fic.
They came into the offices, of course they did. Kyuhyun wasn’t expecting anything less. It happened in their property after all and Yesung was a bank worker, one of the bottom, but he had worked there and it was only expected that the others in the bank be questioned. Siwon didn’t tell them why they were all headed to the conference room, but Kyuhyun didn’t need anyone to tell him. He knew without Siwon saying anything that they were all going to be told about the body the garbage men had found in the back alley of the building.
Kyuhyun had no problem with that. He got up, followed the rest of them. He wasn’t nervous, didn’t even blink as he filed past Siwon and into the conference room. Kyuhyun took the seat in the back, the one he always took when they had the regular meetings. He sat and waited, taking his time to look at the rest of them in the room.
Kibum was already in the room, sitting in the middle of the room next to Shindong who wasn’t being loud for once in his life. Kyuhyun couldn’t stand either Kibum or Shindong. Kibum was the customer service representative, always flashing that annoying smile, like he was so much better than all of them. As if Kyuhyun wanted to smile at annoying customers all day long. As if Kyuhyun wanted to make Kibum’s pathetic salary. And Shindong, oh god, Shindong. Kyuhyun wasn’t even going to get into that annoying bank teller. Annoying both of them and sitting together.
Zhou Mi came in right after, interrupting Kyuhyun’s thoughts.
“Hello Kui Xian.” Zhou Mi said smiling wide as he took a seat next to Kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun made a noncommittal noise and went back to looking at the room while Zhou Mi chatted away. If he had been any less calm Kyuhyun might have told Zhou Mi to shut up. But, not today, today Kyuhyun was completely calm. There was just something about having blood on your conscious that relaxed all the muscles. Last night Kyuhyun had slept like a baby.
After Zhou Mi came Henry. Kyuhyun watched as the younger boy took a look around the room, before sitting in the front. Kyuhyun smirked as he watched Henry. That boy was still acting like this was high school, looking for friends to sit with during lunch. Henry was easy prey, would be picked off as soon as he stepped into the world unless he changed the way he acted. This was real life and in real life you had no lunch buddies. You didn’t, you just had those who got ahead and those who didn’t. Kyuhyun was one of the ones who planned to get ahead. He had no time for people like Henry, like Yesung, like Zhou Mi. Overly friendly people got nowhere in life. They just served as a stepping stone for those were on their way to the top.
Kyuhyun wanted to get to the top, simply because his talent was wasted here. He should be working with the President, should be the next President himself. There were only two people standing in his way. There was Hankyung, sitting near the front, hands folded on top of the desk as he looked at Siwon. So expectant, so goddamn perfect, like sucking up would get him so far. The thing that bothered Kyuhyun the most was that it probably would. Hankyung was under him, but could potentially work his way up. He was Chinese, talked in smooth, velvety accented Korean. Hankyung was so damn charming and smart and that was never a good combination, at least not good for Kyuhyun. Hankyung had everything going for him, was young, good looking, knew how to work, how to make things happen. He was another perfect candidate to take over the bank after their President retired.
Siwon was the second person standing in Kyuhyun’s way. Although, it was no secret that Siwon was no good. He may be good looking, may have the face for this job, but he was not prepared. Siwon was the wild kid in college, the one who did what he wanted to do while still doing exactly what his father wanted. Siwon was a gentleman, opened doors for others, took people out on expensive dates. Siwon was made to marry rich and live his life in complete relaxation, now worries involved. Siwon didn’t care for the bank, was more a pretty face than anything and Kyuhyun couldn’t stand him. He couldn’t stand the fact that Siwon would be President and that he or Hankyung would end up doing all the work. Well, not really Hankyung, more Kyuhyun, because he wasn’t going to let anyone take that from him. He worked too fucking hard to not be recognized.
“Good morning everyone,” Siwon said once everyone had filed in, “I just called you in to let you know that there might be some changes to the bank pretty soon.”
Kyuhyun blinked. That was not the right way to start a talk about one of theirs dying. Kyuhyun sat up, adjusting his jacket as he did so.
“Our bank President has been thinking of retiring for a while now and he has been looking for someone to take over.” Siwon said and Kyuhyun could have sworn Siwon was looking directly at him. “Unfortunately, or fortunately, there have been a couple of people who have wanted to buy this bank and merge it with their corporation.”
There was a pause and then collective talking as everyone realized what this meant. Everyone started talking at once, yelling questions at Siwon. Kyuhyun barely heard a word. He was too busy going over everything in his head. Siwon wasn’t mentioning Yesung. Surely a bank buy out was not as important as one of their employees found dead on bank property.
“I think we all need to calm down.” Siwon called over the yelling. “We need to calm down. Whatever happens will happen in the best interest of the bank and its employees. My father hasn’t decided yet. He is working out a contract with the executives. Nothing is set in stone yet. Things can change. In the meantime you all have to work extra hard. We don’t want the future owners to think that anyone of you is expendable. Now, get to work.”
Kyuhyun had to give Siwon some credit as he watched everyone get up. Siwon knew how to talk and sometimes talk got you far in life. It may not have been the best speech and Kyuhyun found himself rolling his eyes at most things, but as far as getting the effect he wanted from the others, it was rather effective at that. Kyuhyun stood up, made to walk to the door when Siwon stopped them.
“One more quick bit of news.” Siwon said as Henry’s hand froze on the door. “Yesung is not coming to work anymore. We have a new janitor starting today.”
“What?” Shindong called. “But who’s going to bring me my coffee now?”
Kyuhyun saw the way Siwon glared down at Shindong and smirked.
“You can go get your own coffee Shindong-sshi.” Siwon said. “Yesung, has had…he won’t be coming to work anymore.”
Kyuhyun smirked. So, Siwon was going to keep things quiet then. Kyuhyun was almost tempted to ask why Yesung wasn’t coming back, just to see what Siwon was going to say, but he decided against it. No one else was showing the minimal amount of interest in the news and it wouldn’t do good for Kyuhyun to seem too interested. He didn’t want anyone coming to ask questions if their crappy law enforcement ever figured out that it wasn’t an accident.
“Can you believe what’s happening?” Zhou Mi asked clinging to Kyuhyun’s arm. “I always thought Siwon-sshi was going to take over after his father retired. I never expected someone else to come into the picture. What do you think they’re going to do with us?”
“I don’t know about you.” Kyuhyun said. “But, I don’t intend to be kicked out.”
“Of course you won’t be, Kui Xian.” Zhou Mi said. “You’re excellent at what you do.”
“Listen,” Kyuhyun sighed turning his face so that Zhou Mi couldn’t see his irritation, “I’m a bit stressed right now. You can say that I won’t lose my job, but the bank always needs its tellers. Sometimes, they don’t need managers, not when one can do the job of three.”
“Oh, Kui Xian.” Zhou Mi said hugging him from behind. “I know how stressful this all is.”
Kyuhyun nodded, pulling away from Zhou Mi. “I need to go work now.”
“Okay.” Zhou Mi said flashing him a small smile. “I’m over there if you need to talk.”
Kyuhyun nodded and made his way to his desk. Talk. He wanted to laugh. Talking was for people who had nothing to do, who had time to waste. He talked, he had to talk, because he didn’t want to look suspicious, talked because if you didn’t people looked at you weird. Kyuhyun talked. He just didn’t think it would get him anywhere and there were other things he’d rather be doing.
He walked back to his desk, cleared off some of the papers and opened his rich kid’s file. Kim Heechul had ridiculous amounts of money that he was going to lose if he didn’t curb his spending. Not that it was any of Kyuhyun’s business, but in his best interest, the longer Heechul kept his money, the longer he, Kyuhyun, would benefit.
Kyuhyun was just sifting through his papers, pulling out Heechul’s latest receipts, tickets and other such nonsense, when the Kim Heechul himself walked in. Kyuhyun barely glanced up as Heechul made his loud entrance, stopping by the window to talk to Zhou Mi. Kyuhyun sighed as he watched the two of them scream over something or other. He wasn’t really paying attention. His mind hadn’t really been with him the whole day. As a matter of fact, his mind was off somewhere, floating in peace with images of Yesung’s head bashed in and bloodied.
“Kyuhyun,” Heechul said snapping his fingers in front of Kyuhyun’s face, “Wake up.”
Kyuhyun blinked and tried his best for a smile. He knew it came out more of a smirk, but that was okay. Everyone knew him for that, for his slightly sarcastic manner, for the way he loved smirks. Heechul was perfectly okay with whatever Kyuhyun did as long as he got his money to spend that week.
“Good afternoon Heechul-sshi.” Kyuhyun said, not even slightly bothered by Heechul.
This whole thing with killing people seemed to work wonders on his nerves. Not even Heechul’s outburst at having less money to spend fazed him in the least. The whole bank went quiet as Heechul went off on his rant, but Kyuhyun just sat down and waited. He returned Hankyung’s concerned look with a small smile and a nod.
Heechul, though, seemed nowhere near finished as he went on and on about how he was going to have nothing to wear. Kyuhyun nodded vaguely looking over at Hankyung. Hankyung was talking to a pretty dark haired, dark eyed costumer. Kim Jaejoong. Kyuhyun recognized him; probably all of Seoul recognized Kim Jaejoong, the son of South Korea’s multimillion entertainment company. Jaejoong was another rich kid who needed his numbers taken care of. Hankyung had managed to snag Jaejoong from Kyuhyun.
Kyuhyun still didn’t understand how it was that Jaejoong had chosen a new employee over a more experienced professional. His theory-especially looking at the way Hankyung and Jaejoong were laughing and reaching for each other across the desk-was that Hankyung and Jaejoong were sleeping together. It was the only thing that made sense in Kyuhyun’s head. Never mind that Hankyung was excellent at his job, because Jaejoong hadn’t known that in the beginning.
“Alright, tell me again why I can’t have the usual amount.” Heechul asked as he sat back down on his chair.
“I told you.” Kyuhyun said watching as Heechul checked his reflection in his mirror. “Your father left a suggested amount. I was looking over your accounts and if you don’t find a way to manage the company money better, you’re going to bankrupt the industry. I suggest-“
“Hang on.” Heechul said holding up a hand and staring into his mirror. “Who’s that?”
Kyuhyun bit back his retort. No matter how calm he was, there was only so much one man could take, especially from Kim Heechul. Kyuhyun did his best to look vaguely interested as Heechul continued to glare holes into his mirror.
“Is that Jaejoong?”
“Yes,” Kyuhyun said his patience slipping into his usual snark. “That’s Kim Jaejoong.”
“Who the hell is he with?”
Kyuhyun opened his mouth to answer, but Heechul was already up and across the room. He sat back down and watched more than half annoyed. Heechul was wasting his time. Kyuhyun had no time for Heechul. He had things to do, papers to get in order, things to prepare, because if this bank was coming down he was not going down with it. If Siwon was not going to run things then Kyuhyun needed to be sure that he had a place in the new company.
Kyuhyun did not appreciate the way Heechul was now leaning over Hankyung’s desk, eyes set on Hankyung’s lips. He didn’t have time for the way Hankyung was speaking, eyes amused as he looked over at Heechul. Kyuhyun had not time for that because he was Kyuhyun and he didn’t need to deal with this crap.
“Heechul-sshi.” Kyuhyun called biting his tongue when it didn’t come out polite enough.
“Heechul-sshi,” He tried again, managing something closer to civility, “Heechul-sshi, we need to get your paper work finished and your accounts in order.”
Heechul looked up from where he was sitting on Hankyung’s desk. “Right, my papers.”
Kyuhyun let out a breath, rolling his shoulders to relax. He wasn’t too worried yet. Everything was fine. It was still alright, still fine if he could just keep his thoughts on things that would calm him, on things like the green dumpster.
“Where are the papers?” Heechul asked when he reached Kyuhyun’s desk.
Kyuhyun picked them up and handed them over. “You need to sign them.”
“Right,” Heechul said, “Thanks. I won’t be needing you anymore.”
Kyuhyun blinked, but Heechul was gone.
“Hey, Chinaman.” Heechul called over to Hankyung who frowned, whispered something to Jaejoong and looked up. “I need you to get to work on this for me.”
Kyuhyun sat down. He said nothing, just sat and watched as Heechul leaned closer and closer to Hankyung. At one point, Kyuhyun swore that Heechul was practically breathing in Hankyung’s air. When Heechul, finally, finally decided he was leaving, he walked out without a single word to Kyuhyun, but a quick wink at Hankyung.
Kyuhyun took a deep breath, counted to ten, thinking of how easy it had been to hit Yesung, again and again and again. He pictured the blood, the heavy body, the way Yesung had looked draped over the green of the dumpster. It had been such a nice contrast, Yesung’s red on green, almost like Christmas.
Kyuhyun looked up right into Hankyung’s concerned eyes. “Yes?”
“I’m sorry about that.” Hankyung said. “I didn’t know he was going to do that. I’m really sorry.”
Kyuhyun laughed, was glad that it sounded normal at least, but then he really wasn’t expecting less. He was calm again, so very calm.
“Don’t worry about it hyung.” Kyuhyun said. “I know how these rich people can be. I just hope it won’t get in between you and Jaejoong-sshi.”
Hankyung blinked at him. “Jaejoong?”
Kyuhyun chewed on his bottom lip, his hand itching to grab something and press his fingers into it, to channel the extra energy running through his veins. “Yes, Jaejoong-sshi. Aren’t you two dating?”
Hankyung turned a fierce shade of red as he shook his head. “No. Jaejoong and I are friends. He and I used to share an apartment when we were college kids. We’re not…together.”
“Oh, well, in that case, I wish you luck with Heechul-sshi. He can be a real pain sometimes.” Kyuhyun said going for nice and normal.
Hankyung smiled at him. “He does seem like a handful, but are you sure you don’t mind?”
Kyuhyun shrugged. “We’re here to please the customer right?”
Hankyung nodded and Kyuhyun said no more about it. The truth was he was not in the least bit bothered, not in the way he should have been. He was okay, until he got the phone call three hours before he was supposed to go home.
“Hello, this is Kyuhyun speaking.” He answered, pausing the game he had going on the computer.
“Hello, Kyuhyun-sshi? This is Park Jungsu. I wanted to know if we could change our appointment to a later time today.”
Kyuhyun rolled his eyes. It was his emotional side of the married couple that was divorcing. He had both of them coming to him, each trying to make sure that their share of the money was safe from the other. Whatever had happened to that marriage, it wasn’t Kyuhyun’s problem. Kyuhyun’s problem was making sure that they each got what they wanted so that he could get what he wanted: peace from them.
This Park Jungsu that was calling tended to get a bit emotional and Kyuhyun wasn’t up to that. He didn’t like the criers. They were noisy, noisy like Shindong when he ate, like Zhou Mi when he talked. Noisy like Yesung had been, oh so very noisy, and Kyuhyun was the type who liked it quiet.
“I think I can fit you in at five latest.” Kyuhyun said pretending to look through his agenda.
He really had time to six if he pushed it, but he wanted to go home early, maybe take a long bath, sleep early. He thought he deserved it after all the hard work he had done. He definitely needed a break after all that crap with Heechul. As if it wasn’t bad enough that their President might get replaced, now he had Hankyung taking his costumers. Kyuhyun just really wanted to get home, let his head mull over the Yesung thing. He was glad that Siwon was keeping it low key, but at the same time, he wanted to see the reactions. He wanted to see what the others would do, what they would say, how very wrong their guesses would be.
“I’m sorry Kyuhyun-sshi.” Jungsu said. “I don’t want to go to the bank. I wouldn’t want anyone to see me and tell Kang…tell YoungWoon. Would you mind meeting me at the address I’m going to give you? It would have to be after work too, if you don’t mind…I just…I really want this to be over and done with.”
Kyuhyun forced down his sigh and reached into his drawer to grab a pen. He wrote down the address that Jungsu gave him and hung up the phone. He was in no mood after that to listen to anyone. Zhou Mi wouldn’t leave him alone, kept on talking to him, insisting that the pretty client with the big eyes, Sungmin, liked him and that Kyuhyun should do something about it. Then, Kibum walked over, talking about how he had met a pretty girl who had given him her phone number all because Kibum had been very helpful. There was Shindong who hadn’t stopped talking since someone mentioned something stupid.
Suffice to say, by the time Kyuhyun picked up his jacket to leave his head was killing him. There was a fierce pounding on his left side and he was in no mood to see Jungsu. But, he got on the train anyway, took the half hour ride in the opposite direction from where he was going and went.
The address turned out to be a swimming pool, private, the kind where you needed a pass to get in, but at that time of night there was no one guarding the entrance. Kyuhyun walked right in, the empty pool room making each and every one of his steps five times louder. There was no way to sneak on anyone here. Jungsu was already looking at him when he got to him.
“Hello Kyuhyun-sshi.” Jungsu said. “I hope you don’t mind coming here. YoungWoon was supposed to have met me here today, but he cancelled. I think were we’re going to try to talk things over, but that didn’t work.”
Kyuhyun nodded, as if he cared, as if it mattered that YoungWoon was not coming even though he had promised he would.
“I still can’t believe it’s over.” Jungsu continued. “We had everything.”
Kyuhyun sighed. He really wasn’t in the mood. “Things happen Jungsu-sshi.”
Jungsu stopped his walk and turned to Kyuhyun. His face was framed by dark blond hair and Kyuhyun was reminded of that pretty little dog his cousin had once. He liked the dog, until it got too loud. Even as a little kid he didn’t like the noise.
“I just…” Jungsu stopped his voice thick through his tears. “I…I just thought…maybe…”
And then Jungsu was there holding on to him, clinging, sobbing into Kyuhyun’s shoulder, into his new shirt. Kyuhyun made a low noise, tried to push the other man off him, but it wasn’t working. Jungsu held on, fingers digging into Kyuhyun’s arm as he cried into the shoulder he thought would understand.
Kyuhyun was far from understanding. Jungsu was on him, crying into his ear, making that god awful noise when all Kyuhyun wanted was to crawl into bed and rest. So much noise. So. Much. Noise.
The room was starting to blur as Kyuhyun fought against the pounding in his head. He needed air, some way to breathe and he needed this man off him. Jungsu wasn’t letting go though. He held on, not clinging, just the way a normal person would, but to Kyuhyun it felt like he was suffocating. He couldn’t breathe.
They fell to the floor, arms around each other, almost like two lovers holding each other. Kyuhyun took Jungsu’s hands, pushed him away.
“Wash your face.” Kyuhyun managed as he shoved Jungsu to the edge of the pool.
Jungsu chocked on a sob as he lowered his face.
Kyuhyun watched him, watched the way the dark blond hair hit the water. And suddenly he wanted that hair in that water, floating there, decorating the clear water. Just like that Kyuhyun was reaching forward, his hands massaging Jungsu’s hair. His fingers slid along the soft strands, his other hand went to Jungsu’s shoulder.
He massaged his fingers in that hair, pressed down on that shoulder until Jungsu’s sobbing quieted down. That warm skin felt wonderful against his hand, but the raspy breathing, the slight hiccups, those were doing nothing to calm him.
“I’m sorry.” Jungsu sobbed. “I just…”
And that was as far as Park Jungsu got that night. Kyuhyun was there, his hands forcing Jungsu’s head down under the water. He could feel Jungsu fighting him, those arms coming over the side of the pool, holding on, trying to pull out. But, Kyuhyun couldn’t let them, wouldn’t let them. He had Jungsu’s hair in his hand, that soft hair that was even softer under water. It was a struggle to keep Jungsu down, to keep those arms away from him, from his clothes, to keep that head, down, down where the noise wouldn’t bother Kyuhyun. Away, away from him, from his peace. He was so close, just a few minutes and it would be over, just a few minutes and he would never have to hear that incessant noise ever again.
Jungsu stopped fighting even before Kyuhyun came back from the place he was in. By the time Kyuhyun realized that there was no more fighting Jungsu had been dead for over a minute. He let go then, let go of the hair in his hands. He let go and watched as the body sunk, slowly, almost exactly the way chocolate syrup floats to the bottom of your cup of milk. He had done it. Just like Yesung.
Except, this time was different. This time, he had wanted to do it, wanted it not only because Jungsu was an annoyance but because he craved that peace. He wanted it, what he had now, this overwhelming sense of calm, as if everything were right with the world. Jungsu’s hair was a pretty shade against the clear water of the pool as he sank to the bottom. Kyuhyun watched it.
Now there was a new one.
He’d never felt peace before.
Kyuhyun looked around the pool. He saw nothing as he walked back out. No one saw him. No one stopped him and as he got into the cab that would take him home, he knew, no one would ever know. He really didn’t mind paying the cab driver, didn’t mind because he was still seeing Jungsu’s pretty hair floating down into the pool water.