Title: It Used To Be Her Friend
Rating: PG-13
Pairings or Characters: Elle-centric with appearances by Bob and Elle’s unnamed mother.
Summary: When Elle was little, she liked the rain, but as she grew older, she began to hate it.
Word Count: 573
Author’s Note: Written for the rain picture prompt at
heroes_contest. Unbeta’d.
When she was a little girl, Elle loved the rain. Her powers hadn’t manifested yet, so her fear of water was nonexistent. She would run out when it was pouring and find the biggest puddle she could, jumping in it until she was completely soaked.
Her mother would smile and towel her off when she came in, telling her she needed to be careful. If she wasn’t, she was bound to get sick one of these days.
Elle would just smile and reassure her mother. The rain was her friend. Why would it ever hurt her?
When she was older, she could no longer remember when she loved the rain. But then again, she couldn’t remember a lot of things anymore.
The first time she went in the rain after she manifested, she was horrified. She was six years old and she ran out in excitement, like she always did. Her father almost told her to stop, but then he seemed to think better of it.
Some things had to be learned the hard way, after all.
She froze in her steps, her body freezing up as the rain hit her body. Her power reacted on its own and began to take over. She cried out in pain as her body was enveloped by bright blue shocks. The air smelt like burnt clothes and hair and her eyes filled with tears. She fell to the ground, looking over at her father who was still standing up the awning, a knowing look on his face. It was the last thing she remembered before her sight began to blur.
When she woke up she was in a lab, being tended to by a doctor she didn’t recognize. She longed for her mother and a warm towel, gentle concern. What she got was a harsh lecture about how water induces electricity and how she should have known better.
She just nodded and agreed without really understanding. All she really knew was that rain wasn’t her friend anymore.
By the time she finished killing Ricky, it was raining. She wasn’t surprised. Elle had heard it always rained in Ireland, and had packed accordingly because of it. She popped open her umbrella and made her way to the car. She winced at the sound of every rain drop, as if it was some kind of personal threat to her or something.
Once she was in the car and out of danger she called up her father. She carefully gave the information, or rather, lack of information she had gotten about Peter and his whereabouts. Her father got angry at her for killing Ricky (even though it wasn’t her fault the stupid jerk wouldn’t tell her anything) and he demanded for her to come home, telling her how disappointed he was in her. It was just another example of her letting down her father and being taken off of a case. It seemed like it was the story of her life.
She sighed softly, staring out at the rain from the safety of the window. She couldn’t help but feel like maybe things would have gone better if it was a clear, sunny day. It was an irrational thought, but then again, she was irrational by nature. Besides, it wasn’t like anything good had ever happened to her because of the rain.
She really hated it.
But a long time ago, it used to be her friend.