Title: More Like A Song And Less Like It’s Math
superkappaRating: NC-17 to be safe
Challenge: Hurt, to hurt at
sylelle_100Summary: Sylar and Elle didn’t make love, they fucked.
Author’s Note:
di_elle dared us to write something nonangsty for this prompt…this is what I came up with.
Sylar yanked on her hair, pulling Elle down for a bruising kiss as she whimpered into his mouth, retaliating with a shock. His nails dug into her bare skin, leaving deep scratches as he pounded into her. He always left marks and bruises on her. He would have them too if it wasn’t for his damn healing power. Elle bit down on his lip, licking at the blood that spurted from the wound eagerly before it faded away.
Others might find it twisted that they hurt each other when making love.
But Sylar and Elle didn’t make love.
They fucked.