It's about time I debuted some photos from my new camera! His name is Bruce Willis because he's big and can do anything without dying. Don't even ask me why I have another camera named Han Solo.
A staple of my diet: tater tots in powdered cheese sauce I stole from Wendy's.
My cousin's dog, Diesel.
My cottage! Such an amazing place, I ought to take some friends up there sometime.
I took this picture through a zoom lens (which is sadly not mine) held in front of the basic lens I got with my camera. It's sort of weirdly experimental/a good representation of how bored I've been lately, but I'm all for blobs of colour.
My new favourite thing: leaving the shutter open for ~45 seconds. It's glorious, I just push the shutter release and WAIT and I can take pictures of STARS! And I can make the exposure so long that the stars show a bit of the Earth's rotation and it gets me all excited. These were taken the night of that meteor shower, but as you can see, the field I chose to watch it in wasn't far enough away from light pollution to be an ideal location to see a whole lot, but I still had fun fooling around with Bruce. That blue and red dotty line is an AIRPLANE, how cool is that. The last three were just some tests to try out different shutter speeds. You can see the stars better in the bigger versions but, y'know, Photobucket.
What good is a new camera when I am afflicted with living in Ottawa? I hate taking pictures of plants. Bright side: I will be a resident of TORONTO a mere week from now!
Marisha's birthday party with Eamon and Mandy! Turns out there's nothing more fun in this world than remote controlled cameras. Except maybe cake and tents and Greek festivals. Oh, and riding teeter-totters like that is kind of terrifying! Never do it in a skirt.
I am obviously still figuring it out, turns out cameras are complex little buggers. The first things I need to work on are being less hesitant with setting the shutter speed because everything so far has turned out either under- or overexposed, and being less shy about the inherent obnoxiousness of new/big cameras. (This post probably indicates that I've overcome the latter, haha.) Awesome, I can't wait to try it out at a show!