an egret? that's freaking awesome. and it's awesomely awesome that it's name is shmendrik. i think the world would be a better place if more of us were named shmendrik.
i called you today to tell you, but you weren't there, so i guess i'll tell you here: i bought something today that's kind of for you and kind of for me. y'see, i like it and it feels nice to wear and all, but i'm not completely sure that it's me. however, it's hot pink, and i thought of you when i bought it, so if it turns out that i never wear it, i think it would suit you quite well. even if you don't like it, the material is really soft and nice and with your sewing skills i'm sure you could turn it into something you WOULD like.
i'll meet you in ny for that pony thing... but i don't know if i could afford that AND going to your house. it depends on whether or not i'd have to transfer from ny to get to your place anyway.
october :) ponies in NY. yay!...........jerry is a love boat. but taco could care less that i try to play/pet her. damn taco. but jerry loves i guese its ok.
Comments 6
i called you today to tell you, but you weren't there, so i guess i'll tell you here: i bought something today that's kind of for you and kind of for me. y'see, i like it and it feels nice to wear and all, but i'm not completely sure that it's me. however, it's hot pink, and i thought of you when i bought it, so if it turns out that i never wear it, i think it would suit you quite well. even if you don't like it, the material is really soft and nice and with your sewing skills i'm sure you could turn it into something you WOULD like.
i'll meet you in ny for that pony thing... but i don't know if i could afford that AND going to your house. it depends on whether or not i'd have to transfer from ny to get to your place anyway.
have mongolian flu.
not really.
but I will do the domain thing this week.
glad to hear you're having good times.
megan made pillows with me and they are amazing.
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