1) You need to submit TWO icons for this challenge.
2) Only use the caps provided.Follow the rules outlined in the post for each icon.
3) Your icon needs to fit lj requirements: 100x100 pixels or less, less than 40kb.
4) You may use textures/brushes/blending/stocks - no animations.
5) Please comment with both the image and url to this post.
6) You can change your entry as many times as you want. If you do wish to change your entry, please delete the first comment and then re-comment with the new icon.
7) Do not post your icon anywhere else until results are posted.
8) If you would like to use a skip please comment to this post.
9) If you need to turn in upcoming challenge icons in advance please do so here.
10) Entries are due by Saturday, February 6th at 11:59 pm GMT.
Icon 1: Free for all - you can make any icon you want up to the last aired episode (aka 5.12).
Icon 2: You must make an icon of
this picture. Participants:
all_at_once ensanglante xeyraEntered: 2/3
Skips may no longer be used.