Isolde's ABC Guide to Supernatural Part 2

May 21, 2006 20:37

Thank you everyone for the wonderful feedback I got on the first part of this list! You're all so awesome to take the time to let me know you enjoyed it.

Behind the tag you'll find the rest of the Guide - O through Z.

Once again, this is only for fun. Hope you enjoy.

O is for Oprah. As in The Oprah Winfrey Show - Dean's secret vice. He slipped up and admitted to watching it in the episode Bugs - probably because he was distracted by Sam sprawled all over his car. Dean watching Oprah is significant in that it's one of the first times that we realize that Dean's not only a snarky bad-ass, but he's also incredibly goofy as well.

P is for Psychic. Which is what Sam just happens to be by way of visions of the future. Of course, these psychic powers of his are particularly finicky. They only manifest themselves in regards to the demon that killed Mary. Never for anything really important like letting him know when Dean's going to put a spoon in his mouth or when someone's going to choke him.

Q is for Quest. Every great hero needs one and our boys are no different. Theirs is to find and kill the demon that killed their mother. As quests go, this is a pretty damn good one. It keeps the boys on the road, it keeps the clingy females at bay and it provides just enough angst to keep the fangirls on the edge of their seats waiting for one of the guys to break down and cry. It also has the possibility to be never-ending - which could be a good thing. Or a really bad thing. *cough* X-Files *cough*

R is for Rock Salt. Not just for salting icy driveways and making ice cream, this stuff is all-purpose and no self-respecting ghost buster can be without it. It's good for keeping anything evil at bay - ghosts, demons, soul-sucking fiends, you name it. Its only negative? It hurts like a bitch when your younger brother shoots you with it because you've been acting like the boss of him.

S is for Sam. The younger Winchester brother. Sam is the yin to Dean's yang. The Luke Skywalker to his Han Solo. He's incredibly tall, has a great body that he hides behind fourteen layers of clothing and is so damn-good looking that the urge to jump and climb him is almost irresistable. Devastated by the murder of his girlfriend, Sam is the living embodiment of angst, which is a shame really, because when he smiles, he lights up the room. But that could be because he has the whitest teeth in the entire United States.

T is for Tramp. AKA Dean Winchester. Because let's face it - he is a randy little thing. Even in the most dire of circumstances, Dean can be found either ogling women, chatting them up, or pocketing their phone numbers. He's alluded to many one-night stands, and there's been at least one three-way that we know of. On one hand, seeing Dean flirt with every female in sight is kind of sexy. On the other hand, he's not flirting with any of us, so suddenly we're fourteen again and erasing his name from inside the pretty hearts in our geometry books.

U is for Urinate. Yes, I know. Disgusting it may be. But let's face it, if Dean hadn't had to drain the main vein, Sam would have never been kidnaped in the episode The Benders. And we never would have seen Sam locked in a cage or later being completely kick-ass or Dean get tied to a chair while images of Deliverance danced in our heads. So thank you Dean for drinking too much beer in that episode and for a perfectly timed trip to the head.

V is for Virginal. Once upon a time, Sam probably had a healthy sexual appetite. But then his girlfriend, Jessica died. And ever since then he's kept it locked up tighter than Fort Knox. He'd probably wear an iron chastity belt if it weren't so damn bulky. In Sam's angsty world-view, he is responsible for Jessica's death, his mother's death, the hole in the ozone layer and the rising gas prices. So it's best that he not get involved with anyone else or the whole damn planet might explode. So far, he's resisted Dean's all-out efforts to get him laid, although he did give in and kiss two different girls in two different episodes. At this rate, I predict that Sam will get some when he's forty. And even then he won't enjoy it.

W is for Wincest. A play on the word incest, Wincest is the main reason why all of us are going to roast marshmallows with a guy named Beelzebub. And we in this fandom can't seem to get enough of it. Sam and John going at it? Bring it on! Dean and John getting it on? Oh yeah, baby! Sam and Dean doing the horizontal mambo? Oh my Goddess yes...but only if we can watch and take pictures. Yes, it's wrong in a million different ways, but in all fairness, we never stood a chance. Three hot guys on a tv show and they're ALL related? What else were we supposed to write? Plot-driven stories? Ha!

X is for XP, the first two letters in the Greek word Christo. Which as we all know is Latin for God. Except it's not. But Dean and Sam told us it was, so it must be so, right? Wrong! Destined to be forever remembered as the first glaring mistake that the writers made, the word Christo is pretty much guaranteed to drive any self-respecting Supernatural fan to reach for that liquor bottle and down it in one shot. It's either that or shake their fist and mutter incoherently at the computer screen. One or the other.

Y is for Yorkie. As in, "I have a yorkie upstairs and he pees when he's nervous." This brilliant line was said by Dean in the season finale, Devil's Trap. Brilliant because, well...Dean with a yorkie. If you actually picture it, you just might combust from the saccharine cuteness of it all.

Z is for Zeppelin, Led. Arguably the most influential rock band of the 70's, Led Zeppelin has written more amazing songs than Sam's had angst fits. Not surprisingly, this band is a favorite of Dean's, evidenced by the fact that he taught the kid in Dead in the Water to say, "Zeppelin Rules!" Yeah, cause there's no better way to bond with a kid than to teach him about a band that did enough drugs to kill a rhino and used a live fish as part of a sex act. Way to go, Dean!
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