Jan 12, 2008 00:48
Welp, it's official! I have an email address at FreeCause.com. So I guess I work there now :) Except for not having signed our employment contracts, everything's in order. Guess we'll get to that little detail on Mondayish.
Actually, a lot of things have been happening in reverse order. I'm not sure if this is typical start-up stuff, or maybe just our particular circumstances. But either way, here's a fun list of how out-of-order things have been :)
- I've worked for FreeCause for a week and a half (since Jan 2nd or 3rd), and haven't signed an employment contract. The contract, stock plan paperwork, etc are all sitting in a stack on my desk (same with Pat and Paul, who also were hired when they bought our company, Now or Never) all waiting for "contract-tag" with our CEO to end. He works 10 feet from us.
- I have, however, filled out the W-4 for 2008
- I've had a gym membership for 7+days, but all our stuff was in a U-Haul parked semi-legally on MITs campus until 2 days ago. Our first night spent in our apartment was yesterday.
- Then the CFO took us apartment shopping at IKEA. I like saying that :)
- We've got internet, cable, an X-Box, a Wii, and a sweet TV that we borrowed from the CFO when he moved out. Our beds won't get here till Sunday.
- I've been sick since literally the first day we were here in Boston, and I'm just getting rid of the last bit of sore throat now. Yet I'm loving it here. (On a related note: FreeCause is getting health insurance soon, yay!)
Those are all the non sequiturs I can think of right now. So perhaps I will go sleep off the rest of my flu. More later.